Headlamp running

The link I provided above has a cri of 93. Or you can get the armytek C2 pro nichia with a 4500k and high Cri.
The two flashlights you’re comparing have entirely different beam patterns so you can’t really do that and come to any logical conclusion. Neutral is not warm. If you’ve never experienced 3000K high Cri in the woods then you just don’t know what you’re missing.

1 Thank

Je possede une sofirn c 01 4000k , je n’est pas le budget élevé pour armytek nichia, merci pour votre conseil.

That is what, eight lumens and 6 m of throw? If that’s your only experience with a neutral light and you have zero experience with 3000k in the woods, again you don’t know what you’re missing.

100L mister

J’ai recu une lampe nitecore hc60 v1, blanc froid, grosse autonomie, un peu lourd et surtout gratuit…