Help me pic my first AA pocket light

I just got my Ultrafire U20 from Manafont today. Can you run this light on a 14500 or will it fry the light? Any problems with a 14500 over time like burning out the driver so I can not use a 1.2v cell in it?

I don't own that light but all the reviews say it should run on a 14500 no problem. Put a 14500 in it turn it on high aim it at a white wall as long as the beam doesn't turn blue the light doesn't start to smoke or burn your hand you should be OK. If the beam starts to turn blue turn it off quick and take the battery out.

I will do that. :) This is a great forum.

mine has been working on 14500 and no problems.

Just curious, but what charger will you be using the the 14500s?
