Crappy pix, but yeah:
The F13 is a nice light, takes a 26650, is nice and beefy, could run some decent power and still stay relatively cool. The UI, though, was rather annoying. H/M/L plus blinkies… yecch. Dis-co-nnect! So, rather than suffering in silence, I figure I’d share my modding misery.Anyway, I was doing this already, didn’t want to stop (inertia, and all that), so just grabbed some Truly Crappy cellphone pix while I was already in-progress. Start with a standard F13 (…
Everything’s a variation of a theme, nothing terribly different if swapping for a 3D, 5A, etc.
Only the driver was a little tricky, that the wires had to be “unlooped” to not bang on the shelf above it. Plus, I used one of those PET insulating discs to further insulate it from the shelf, just in case.
Other than that, it’s a straightforward mod, nice’n’easy.
The 3D is (to me) a bit on the cool side, rally should’ve tried the 5A/5D first. Well, that’ll learn me…