Well at least the H2-C has hidden strobes, so basically a 4-mode ML-L-M-H, but I could do without the ML (0.01%)
Too bad no one makes one of these with firmware like the Dr. Jones Guppydrv, I have a few 17mm FET drivers with Rev1, they can be set to various groups, including single mode 100%, for an emergency light.
The thing is I can’t seem to find any other “off the shelf” single cell 12v boost drivers for XHP35, this is the only one I know of, do you know of any?
Also if you want a Nichia in that H03 just put one in, its not hard. I put a Nichia 219c 4000k 90+ CRI in one of my H03’s last week.
Just remove the 4 screws, pull off the retaining ring, the o ring, then the optics(mine had the TIR optics) then there is a 16mm MCPCB with the LED on it just sitting there with a little thermal compound(not adhesive). Just replace the stock MCPCB with a replacement with whichever LED you prefer. The wires are a little short so you will have to make the final soldering connection with the soldering iron inside the head of the light but its not really a big deal, took me about 5 mins start to finish.
Probably the most ignored, budget thrower that I have ever come across- and I’d dare bet it might out throw any of the options listed so far- is the UniqueFire HS-802 (or any re-branded version) This thing has an intense hotspot and a DEEEP reflector. Put off by the fact that it’s only about 350 lumens? Just remember that the Jacob A60 was only 310 lumens and out-threw everything for years. It is a true pencil beam, spot thrower. With a hopped up driver and LED, this thing would SCREAM. Just my opinion. And you cant beat the price. (about $20)
The HS-802 was the best thrower you could get under 20 bucks back in the day. I have one I may just mod with a XPL hi, curious to see what it will do. It as Badger4715 describe. The beam is almost laser like with the XR-E R2. I tried a xpg once and didn’t really like it (spread the beam with out much lumen increase) so I switched it back. The XPL HI might spread the beam a little but at 1000 lumens I could see it still being a good thrower.
Yeah it’s sort of coming back to me, I think I remember reading about this one many years ago, the reflector comparison photo even looks vaguely familiar, totally forgot about it and didn’t know it was still around.
The reflector is really deep for it’s size. Its about as deep as a 18650 25r.
That’s about where the led sits in the head once the light is together. I tried to take a pic down in the reflector but there’s
noway I can capture the depth of it.
I haven’t modded mine yet besides the driver. I believe it came with a amc7135 1050ma driver, I changed it to a 1400ma 7135. Uses a Xre R2 led.
Mine has a brass heat sink that can be soldered to.
A 20mm mcpcb could be used if filed a little.
The driver is 17mm so there’s lots of options.
If I remember correct a deeper reflector actually doesn’t have a great effect on distance, although is creates a tighter hotspot, and a larger / brighter corona.
But an XR-E makes better use of a deeper reflector than XML/XPL.
I’d be curious to see how one of these compares to a C8. also curious how it is with XRE compared to XPL HI.
I did finally get around to swapping the XRE for a XPL V6 5000k dedoomed. The hot spot crew about 75% I would guess but the hot spot is way more intense now. I used a 105c driver with 1 amc7135 piggy backed. Driving the XPL at 3080ma.
It is definitely better and brighter with the dedoomed XPL (very little tint shift) and that’s the way I’m leaving it. Its much easier to pick something out of the dark now at a distance, the XRE had a very tight hot spot with not enough lumens. A XPL hi would probably work just as good.
wow thanks for posting this, sounds good especially since the Manta Ray can now be purchased with XPL-HI 3C on copper, and they said they would send the SS bezel if I ask in the notes to seller.
And thanks to the measurements you posted I know I could easily swap the stock driver for a 17mm FET DD.
Still curious how it would compare to a similarly equipped C8, might have to just try one and see.