Help on finding cheapest/well-made p60 host these days ??????

Poked around. Saw some meh-priced P60 hosts. Just not anything that makes my eyes bug out and an ah-oo-gah horn go off in my head.

Tried the usual suspects: auraguys, bang-the-gong-good, FT, Wallguys, etc.

Need 5-8 hosts for some Manafont UV drop-ins. (Seems everyone in Death Valley wants their own scorpion-hunting UV light now that they saw mine.)

Anyone recently seen (or bought) any WF-5xxxxx?

Thanks for any help you can give! has a fake Solarforce L2 which is very nice. About $8.50 I think. Let me see if I can find a link.

EDIT-Here's a link. Black or silver. I have the silver.


Just buy the real Solarforce host ...


Thanks for linking to Solarforce .

Has this light ( T1 ) been discussed yet ?

For about $4 ea delivered, consider this 501b.

Or this one using one CR123A:

The 501A is one of my favorite P-60 hosts, you can use 18350 batteries as well as 16340s and CR123s. Also if you use these tail caps they will tail stand or you can add an o-ring to the stock tail cap to get it to tail stand as well.

My deanodized 501a with a five mode E1320 dropin ( XPG 3D tint .002, .06, .325, .67, 1.4 amps ) lives in my briefcase .


Thanks to everyone for their help. I had to attend to some non-light business so couldn’t get back to the thread until now. I will poke around and see which one of these will work best. Anything is better than what I started with, which was basically nothing.

Not the place for it as it will get lost, but the UV drop-ins manafont is selling these days are like HALF the light output of the ones they used to have. They work fine, but just are nowhere no-how no-way like the uv drop-ins they were selling like 6 months ago. They also have a crappy beam pattern, not the nice soft spot like the ones of yore. the new beam patterns have sorta like a “V” in the center instead of a round spot. Very odd. Yes, the reflectors are tightened down.

Glad I got two of the good old ones.

It’s not just a bad apple. I got four for friends, romans and countrymen who saw mine, and they’re all inferior to the old style.

Oh well.