HELP please/ 550 lumens from (1) AA???

As far as I can see Armytek is full of bovine organic waste. You cannot see Cree lumens. What you see are OTF lumens. ANSI standards may not be perfect but they do provide a basis for comparing lights who test and report to those standards which was the original purpose of their adoption. IMO far better than the BS listed by many budget Chinese manufacturers and web retailers (and Armytek) whose listed specs are useless for comparison purposes.

I couldn't care less what they say. I don't buy lights based on manufacturer specs and marketing. I base on review testing and real life user experience. You may not purchase an Armytek light, Richwouldnt, because they use emitter lumens and not OTF lumens but you are cutting your nose off to spite your face. It's obvious you've never used, let alone owned, an Armytek light.

Any manufacturer can say what they want about their products but the proof is in the pudding. Rant all you want about Armytek and why you hate them but they make a damned tasty pudding. One of the tastiest and most satisfying around. If you used one or even held one you'd know what really matters and it's the final product, not advertising and marketing. As they say, your loss, not ours. You're the one missing out. ;)

Has anyone thrown this light in an integrating sphere yet? Seems premature to go on about actual output if it hasn't been tested. Eyeballs have very poor calibration from one pair to the next.

We've discussed manufacturing before. Yes, Armytek does seem purposely unclear, but it's about the same as Zebralight. Their claims could be valid.

I like Armytek headlights a lot, but I don't have a Tiara because my needs for this class of light is very low weight. Zebralight wins in that department by a large margin. If the weight were closer, I'd probably get a Tiara.

No loss for me at all... I really didn't like the attitude in the correspondence I had with them. The "I know better" thing.

+1 Johnny. Don't need to punish the engineering department because of a flamboyant marketing dept.

I tested the regulation for 1xAA. It's VERY well regulated even on Max. Small fan used for cooling.

Simpler/cleaner graph:

Important note: readings were captured once per minute. The output vs. time plots thus don't show how much juice is left over after the big plunge. If you power cycle the light and put it in a lower mode the output won't bounce around like the last graph seems to show.

Agreed 100%. To me company attitude and ethics are important no matter how good the product. Enough competition that there are always alternatives available. I emailed them too and received the same type response, a total turnoff.

while I would agree with your stated discussion on OTF lumens, and bending truth, etc, I really like this offering. It is very well made, excellent tint on my WW, and a beast on high on a 14500. A fun light, one of my better ones if I may be honest. Don’t ever lose your sense of wonder in this world.