Help: Stacking 7135 chips in Biscotti drivers (using XML2 LEDs)

I deleted that post and was going to make it different. No worries.
the solution was around post #32 on page 2. I’ll just repost the link…

When i stack 7135 i prepare them by removing the middle leg and bending the 2 outer legs down.
Then i put a droplet of super glue on to of the present 7135 and put the prepared one on top.
Then i solder the outer legs on to the bottom one.
And then i bend down the big tab so i can solder it to the bottom one with a fairly large amount of solder, so that it has a decent thermal path

I also did this some time ago:
What did you mod today? - #2400 by Jerommel :smiley:

Thanks vw!! Hell, this is getting crazier on my head :smiley:
But i’m mixing it all up and then I’ll conclude with the driver, the chips and the iron solder on my hands :nerd_face:
So: ZozzV6 and Jerommel solder the back tab and 2 tips in the front; and on the BD04, besides soldering the back tab, the front pin has to be soldered!

An then Jerommel makes that:!!!: Dude, that’s insane!!! But awesome :smiling_imp:
Did it work? :open_mouth:

Damn, I really have a lot to learn :person_facepalming:

Thanks sharing for your suggestions and experiences! It’s helping a lot :wink: