Help with identify battery

Hello Hope you experts please can help med identify what kind of battery I have. I googled 18650 but it seem it coms in different voltage and mAh… I need to replace my batteries in a electrolux ergorapido 18V.

Battery specs:

Colour: Green

SE US18650VT

T 2B12WUD34N

Thank you in advance

Sony SE US18650VT, there are far better cells this days…

Can you please advise which batteries I should buy. I need five, and they cant be bigger than the ones I have.

Something like Panasonic NCR18650PF

NCR18650PF is 10A cell, while sony vt…… is 20A cell. not the same type of cells

True, then recommend something from samsung!INR18650-25R?

i would recomend sony vt4, but chances to get real one, is slim to none. too many fakes around.

you prbly right, get samsung or lg, even thou sony are good cells, (newer ones) chances to get fakes, are a lot higher than not.

easier, and safer to buy samsung or lg high drain cells, (that is if op even needs high drain cells).
i use sony vt cells in my 200w hotwire, they pull 11-12 amps easy, without even getting very hot. but i got mine from makita drill battery, so i have no doubts i have real ones.

These should be the real ones:

They also have the vtc4
(This is a recommended shop)