Help with resistors for resistor mods

Thanks Argo, that’s a great help! Don’t know why I missed that thread in my searches here, the link L4M4’s posted looks good!

From my experience the 1206 is the more common size. I have only seen one or two drivers use a 805.
I don’t know a thing about this company but it is a link to what you ask for.
The 2512 is quite large, Twice the size of the 1206. I haven’t seen one used but with some of these newer high powered drivers I guess it’s possible. You could just order 805, 1206, and 2512.
Might be useful.

Aren’t those too resistive?

I found this kit too for the 1206:,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065_10709_10151_10344_10068_10130_5722815_10324_10342_10547_10325_10343_10546_10340_10341_10548_5722915_10545_10697_5722615_10696_10084_10083_10618_10307_10710_5722715_5711215_10059_308_100031_10103_441_10624_10623_10622_5711315_5722515_10621_10620,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_2&algo_expid=159974aa-356f-47f5-a4ac-985b07f444cd-4&algo_pvid=159974aa-356f-47f5-a4ac-985b07f444cd&priceBeautifyAB=0

Kit #: 1206 43R-560R

25 Values Each 20pcs total 500pcs
43R 47R 51R 56R 62R 68R 75R 82R 91R 100R 120R 150R 180R 200R 220R 240R 270R 300R 330R 360R 390R 430R 470R 510R 560R

(I bold/underlined some values I’m used to seeing here)

TBH I did think those 2512’s looked HUGE!

If I’m correct an R250 is .250 ohms or 1/4 ohm?

No, R100 (which you’ve seen here) is different from 100R

you mean the values are higher than what we would use? I see R100, R150, R220 in that kit, those do sound familliar from some of the resistor mod threads I’ve read.

The 1206 kit I linked is only $2.69…,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065_10709_10151_10344_10068_10130_5722815_10324_10342_10547_10325_10343_10546_10340_10341_10548_5722915_10545_10697_5722615_10696_10084_10083_10618_10307_10710_5722715_5711215_10059_308_100031_10103_441_10624_10623_10622_5711315_5722515_10621_10620,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_2&algo_expid=159974aa-356f-47f5-a4ac-985b07f444cd-4&algo_pvid=159974aa-356f-47f5-a4ac-985b07f444cd&priceBeautifyAB=0

20pcs. each value, (25 values in the kit) including these 75R 82R 91R 100R 120R150R 180R 200R 220R

Only they’re 5% instead of 1%, is the tolerance too low?

The smallest is R100. If it was using a R100 then piggy backing would give you R050. Add another for R033.
For some drivers yes they might be to high, they could be already in the .05 or .025 range adding a .100 will increase the current but not by much.
You might buy some lower value resistors separately. Once you get so low you might as well just bridge it, but that will depend on the driver and if the led can stand it.

Those are all way to high in value. You need resistors with a R in front of the number.
R100 = .100 ohm
100R = 100 ohm

Oh, didn’t know thanks for the link, so R150 is .150 ohms and 150R is 150 ohms. Yeah big difference!

so we want the ones with the R first

I wish I could find a kit that contained some of the lower values but I’m not having much luck.
I buy mine from digikey and get exactly what I need. Price decreases a little as you purchase in quanity.
Fasttech use to be the place that had a good cheap selection but their discontinued now. :confounded:
You probably remember this from the NiteNumen thread.

Top left R250 = .250

Yes that’s what started this :slight_smile: You said it’s a 1206.

I wonder if we could just bridge it?

I don’t really know. The RX6810 has a current limit, I couldn’t read the chinese data sheet to find out what that was. Just figured it could stand a little more since the designers usual allow a little head room.

It is very difficult to find smd 1206 with small resistance something like R050 R030 R020 from China , any idea ?

I searched some time ago and R068 was the lowest I found:

I contacted a china seller on ebay that has a 2512 kit with everything a modder needs in the smaller value department, Except the size.
I ask if they could get this same kit in 1206. I’ll post up what I find out.

Thanks. I will keep an eye on this thread. I have some here from other projects, but all high to use. If I know myself, it will be hard for me to not mod any of my lights if I spend any more time on here. Might as well be ready!

Thanks! This looks like the winner

Sounds good, thanks.