Hi, I am AliExpress!

Mmmkay wle, we already were there. We and others had some discussion in my thread A few words about the new AliExpress site overhaul :-/

I must admit I have changed for the better and wouldn't write the above thread O:) in the same way. There is a lot of good points in it, though.

I still have to curb myself from time to time when using the very G00gl€ search, as when I launch a search from my browser's bar it defaults to non-verbatim mode which is @#$%. Years ago I remember being able to do very precise searches, without unrelated results, but now… :facepalm: Concerning the AliExpress search engine, its even worse as it lacks search operators. But mind you, from this side of the screen we don't really know how does their engine deals with the bunch of languages it has to deal, so probably it does a much better job than we imagine here.

AliExpress could learn from the eBay search engine, which has an advanced mode plus some operators (look here and there). Of course, this if they're willing to get off :-D their high donkey.

Sat, 07/04/2020 - 02:22; Sat, 07/04/2020 - 02:36