High Efficiency BLF Switching Driver? - Request for Desired Features

I don’t think I need more than 6A turbo on anything. Sure triples and quads can pull a lot more with a FET but I’m over it. 6A with a triple should still be getting up there in lumens, far beyond sustainable. And with stuff like a single SST40 it will be over 2000 lumens.

I thought this as well when I swapped my EDC to SST-20’s last year but ever since I keep finding myself looking for a higher modes. It still produces around ~1600 lumens on a fresh charge but I took for granted how nice it is to have ~3000+ on tap on my old setup. Even on low batteries I could get ~1500 lumens, part of why I always think my batteries are low now.

Every time I use it I think I should switch back but keep hoping a new LED will be released that I can try instead.

Anyone know of something newer/better then the SST-20 or XP-G3?

I’m planning to try the Luxeon HL2X, would love if someone tested it :wink:

I love to hear of some first hand experience with those. Let us know.

I’ve been too busy to say anything other than that the 3080 looks great in a pebbled TIR.

Interesting, have a feeling they might be too floody but willing to give them a try.

Is there a source for them, particularly the 90cri variants?

I ordered from Mouser. The 4000K/90CRI variant is available in multiples of 1, but not stocked - I’m expecting a ten week wait or so lol