HO-HO-HOOOliday giveaway - we have a winner!

Thanks, count me in,

I have given away more than 10 sk68’s to friends and relatives.
I will give away 2 more sk68’s, if I win.


Nice looking light so consider me in.


Thanks for the giveaway, M4D M4X. :)

I'm in!

Pretty. In pls & happy holidays!
& yep I already have a few AA lights wrapped up as gifts.

Count me on.

Thank you.

I am already thinking what/how to do on that ” funny pic” part :smiley:

Thanks for the chance, if I win I will have to figure out how to post pictures :slight_smile:

Thanks for changing to 150 I’m in now.

Oh, shiny! Pick me… pick me!!!

Hey, how about I swap you a tc500 for this light? :wink:

Nice giveaway! I’m in. I’ll have to think about the corresponding AA giveaway if I win…

In, please.

Thanks, I’m in!

I am in!

I will pass it to my brother if I won. Thank you Martin!

In, if I win this generous giveaway my grandchildrens step-mum will recieve it, even though I don’t have any AA lights (AA’s are for remotes :bigsmile: )

Cheers David

I’m in. Thanks!

Count me in! I will probably gift this light to my favorite Sister-in-Law (my wife’s brother’s wife) if I win. Then again, it’s Pretty Shiny. Maybe I’ll keep it and give away another AA light I have (four different styles to choose from). Funny picture? Hmmm… have to think a little on that one. Maybe a picture of me stickin’ it where the sun don’t shine!

On second thought, maybe something else. :wink:

Count me in please.