Holy Hot Spot Batman, 824kcd! (Formerly, 100mm Aspheric Lens at Fasttech)

Im not sure it would be that top heavy since it has 4 cells in the tube, and the front end is mostly hollow. Besides, it was just a rough sketch so I could get an idea of the size this head would need to be

Good point. Now that you mention it, the M6 is a meaty light.

Only thing that would need to be addressed would be the switching mechanism if one was to use a King/M6 as a donor. I was thinking maybe using a k40/tn31 battery tube since it has a tail switch, but that would not be very budget unless you already own one. Most people here already have a King/M6, and if not you can get them fairly cheap.

Where’s the waiven collar in that sketch? :party:

EDIT: Forgot to mention I think the side switch would be fine. The body extension tube could be finned at the bottom and slender higher up. It would need some testing to find out how far the lens must move to get max 120 degree flood, but I’m guessing it would only be 20 - 40mm (unless a short slide loses too many lumens). In that case an outer zoom section below the bezel could screw in and out onto threads above the fins. Anyway, the zoom and thus shape need to be designed around the lens function.

Still like copying the SK lights, for fun and function …

If this gets 824kcd without, I wounder what it would get with the waivan collar...

I know where we can get one for free. It's just sitting over there waiting to be . . . borrowed. Quick, someone grab it before he notices.

Hi ImA4Wheelr, actually the prototype you made isn’t look that bad in the photo.

Yeah the DST is not available in my country, but I think the PVC pipes are since they are all standardized in size. Other parts are all from online stores so should be okay. :slight_smile:

Sounds good bibihang. Please ask any questions you may have. I'll try to help.

I decided to try the lens with the MT-G2 outside. I wanted to try a rig I use for trying out reflectors, but it was too cumbersome to carry around. Here are a couple pics of it anyway. It's not pretty, but it is great for trying things out without the confined spaces of a flashlight.

That is one beat up emitter. It has been transplanted into at least 10 different lights. It made contact with the back of a plastic reflector once and instantly melted it. The discoloration you see in the center of it is a result of that tragic encounter. The MT-G2 is quite tough. The Noctigon is reflowed onto a copper sheet. The copper sheet is against a 1/4" aluminum plate. This test rig is handy. Got if from the scrap barrel at a Metal Supermarkets.

Then I decided to try the same rig I had made last night on the DST with the MT-G2. The PVC give a real bright glow that makes it easy to walk around if you don't look at the hot spot. Gives you an idea of how much light is wasted with aspherics.

The lens can project a clear image except for the very center. I don't know if that is me doing something wrong or the lens. For it doesn't matter. In real life I don't go to full focus. I go to just shy of it so there isn't a distracting image of the die projected.. I didn't try very hard to get it totally focused for the picture below because I wanted to get outside again. This is a very good quality lens in my amateur opinion.

Here is a beam shot of the same tree from close to the same location as the pic in the OP (mouse over added to OP):

EDIT: Edited some of my text above to be more accurate. Not sure what else I can to to "review" the lens. It seems like a real good deal to me. I may keep the PVC head around so that I can pop it on the DST's for when I need a powerful aspheric. At least until I find a better solution. Actually, I can't just pop it on and off without a heat gun. I can screw it on part way cold, but I can't get it off without heat.

Please keep in mind that most high power lights should not be run on high for more than a few minutes at a time with this set up. The PVC doesn't contribute much to shedding heat.

I imagine there are other lights out there that could work with this setup. Please report them when you find them.

Oh, I fogot the most important thing. I tried to measure focal length when I was using the MT-G2. I got 4 3/4" t 4 7/8". I don't know why it is shorter with the big emitter. Maybe it was just measuring it more accurately.

Perhaps something like this will allow you to focus with your light. I saw this in Lowes today, it’s an expansion fitting for a 1 1/2 inch electrical conduit pipe. You can adjust the overall length because the 2 pieces slide in each other. Perhaps you could make something like this, doesn’t seem too hard to do. Cut a couple of grooves in the inside pipe, maybe with a round file? If you could find O-rings large enough it would be easy, otherwise maybe a bead of silicone? Also your 2 pieces would fit much too tight in stock form, but if you took down the inside piece a little, either by sanding or lapping compound. Notice in the picture there is a lubricant on the finished part.

BTW, do you realize that by mixing electrical and plumbing pipes in your mods, that you could be at risk of disturbing the fabric of the universe by messing with the space time continuum? :bigsmile: It is for that reason I always use electrical conduit pipe in my mods, LOL

You have a great mod here and I will attempt to follow your path on this one. The thought of having such an awesome thrower really intrigues me.

LOL, I like. Just put a couple in with new valves for our pumped irrigation.

Of course, it’s kinda similar to a SK68/98 design … Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

The ZY-603 on the right seems much better for heat sinking. The 68 on the left uses wire c-clip instead of o-ring, which makes me wonder if somebody came up with that to help with heat transfer.

Very clever dchomak. I like it and will definitely look into that. Thanks for the advice about using plumbing parts. Is why you don't mix HD and Lowe's parts, not disturbing the time/space continuum?

Though I find these white lasers utterly useless, this has inspired me to finally build some innards and get this abomination working:

Around 2.53" diameter at the flange, fits perfect in the 'AT-1226'. Lens came from a (non-HID) Cadillac CTS. With a dedomed XML has a focal length of only 1.65", which is also a really easy dimension to fit in the 1226.

I have similar results with my 13 cm diameter, 5 cm focal length Fresnel lens, but without the high ampere source. It gets more of the light into the spot than my small aspherics do, as well as forming a smaller spot. I may make a more permanent mount for it. The price of the lens is similar.

This is an Trustfire X7 with a 78mm lens. Dedomed XM-L2 U2 Pretty easy mod to do but to be honest the beam pattern is so small already that I couldn't imagine going with an even larger lens than this. It's also going to need a cowl or bezel on it that fits around the head and extends to the end of the lens. It's annoying to have to hold it way out in front of you without getting spill in your eyes from the lens. The bezel on this was ground down flat and the lens is just taped on but it's not going anywhere and once I find a "cowl" to glue over this you won't see it anyway. I don't know what the Kcd is on this but it lights up trees pretty well at half a mile. It's perfectly focused.

You can buy this light right now on evil bay for $45


The lens is from DX I think it was about $7 and the emitter from IO for another $6. So about $60 when I add the "cowl" (can't think of a better word). It's a bad mamba jamba.

That's a nice looking light 18650. Is that the light you put an MT-G2 in with the reflector?

Fritz, you got a thread or any other info on the lens you speak of?

Comfy, I find them fairly useless too except to spotting distant buoys on the water. I don't have any nearby mountains to search for lost parties on. I do like cloud bouncing sometimes. Best of luck on that build. Sound like a much more viable solution.


Nope I sold that one after I took the MT-G2 out and put a XM-L2 back in, it was a T90. I actually got this one from T-mart, they gave me a big VIP coupon to use. I had this one once before and sold it to. I will probably pick up another one soon. It’s a heck of a thrower and in shorty mode it’s not really huge like the T-90.

This one you built now must be really something else. Like I said I can’t imagine how small that beam must be considering the size of this one.