I don’t have calipers, so I can’t provide an accurate measurement. It looks to be about 1 and 1/32”, so about 26.2mm. The C cells are pretty loose in there and rattle away when the tailcap is screwed on. Maybe some 26650 cells would fit?
There’s your answer.
There wouldn’t be room for a 2P mod, and I would worry about the strip on a protected 26650 shorting out if only 1 cell is used. You would have to make a spacer anyway.
And a 2P setup with 2 - 18650’s would have more capacity.
Hello, I bought this recent version of the light to gift to a co-worker but discovered a Husky 500 lm version with an XP-G3 that will better suit the use. So, what do I do? … test it! I was happy to see a Shockli 26650, 4200 mAh fits and pulls +7 amps at the tail end. Beam pattern has a lot of artifacts but the trifoil-shaped spill and long throwing, neutral white beam aren’t too bad.
I have the 850lm Defiant one. Looks like three Cree XM-L2 emitters. It’s ok for a “throw in the back trunk and use it for emergencies” kinda light. That’s about it. It’s build quality is very cheap. It’s bright for what it is but I doubt it really is the claimed 850lm. The light included three Defiant branded C cell batteries. The head is glued on so I’m not going to even bother taking it apart. I would not bother trying to mod such a light as you’d be better off spending your money on a more worthy project.
That’s the reason I buy them too. I replace the batteries with primary lithium AAs so the the light works when I need it.
I actually bought the 850 lm light you have but returned it because I didn’t see any improvement over my 3C DST.
One thing to note, this light and a 500 lm Husky I bought this year have modes, flashy good for emergency signaling. And this is an improvement over single mode lights previously sold. The best part is that they are CHEAP!
Hey guys, I finally picked up the 1000 lumen version of this light. Anyway to MOD to accept 26650? BTW, I also have the Husky 650 lumen 3 D cell light. Again how to MOD? Please advise. BTW, if any of you do MODS and charge a labor fee I will hire a helping hand.
A 3C light can often be made to fit 2x26650, I have a 3C light I’m currently converting that way.
First see if the tube is wide enough, some aren’t and some are, it also depends on the cell itself, some 26650 are wider than others, for example the 3C light I’m converting will fit Trustfire protected 26650’s but won’t fit Xtar’s or Liitokala’s (both too wide)
Next issue is the length, some 26650’s are longer than others, protected being the longest, even with the longer cells you most likely will need to add some length, either with a longer spring, magnets or a contact spacer like this: Page Not Found - Aliexpress.com You will usually need something like this regardless between the to cells if they’re flat tops to make contact in series, you can also add a solder blob or a contact magnet.
If the tube is not wide enough to fit 26650 you can instead go with 2x 21700 and use a sleeve or some o-rings to make up the extra width.
3x C = about 150mm
2x 26650 = 140-150mm
2x 21700 = about 141mm
With the 3* stock emitters on that Defiant you’d need a buck driver, or better yet swap them out with some 6V emitters like XHP50.2 and use a FET w/zener mod.
EDIT: You could also use 3S 26500 and 3* LED’s in series.
Another option is to use one 26650 and one “Dummy” cell, put the dummy cell in one of those 18650 to 26650 sleeves. Page Not Found - Aliexpress.com Then you can run the 3V or stock emitters with a regular DD/FET or 7135 based driver.
You could also make a dummy cell with a metal or copper post and some plastic. (see post #26 in this thread) Probably the best plan then you can make the dummy cell long enough for perfect fit.
Great information. The primary concern has to be cost effective. Mods are fun ,but if the cost is more than I would rather use money buying better high output rechargeable light.
I just purchased 4 of Digital Energy 26650 for my Utorch UT02 and considering using 1 for the Defiant light. Some of those copper sized tubes, caps are not at my Homedepot. If any you guys have extras and can do Mod to accept 26650 then I can service fee.
Good point. There also may be a way to boost power on the stock light by resistor mod.
1* 26650 cell
1* dummy cell
1* Resistor
1+1+1= low cost upgrade.
For those copper sized tubes and caps, if you’re looking at post #26 maybe check the store again or try Lowes or any hardware store, 1/2” copper tubing and closed end caps are VERY common items. I think it would be much cheaper to just use a 1/4” or 3/8” steel bolt for the conductor, then wrap with electrical tape or find some plastic rod to insulate.
Making your own dummy cell instead of buying one is probably the best plan for this so you can make the dummy cell long enough for perfect fit.
Hmmm curious, never heard of those cells, are they these? Amazon.com
Couldn’t find any info on the forum and no worthwile reviews on amazon, were they recommended? Or did you just take a chance on them?
Do you have an analyzer/charger to check actual capacity?
Also I see the discharge current is rated in c-rate, personally I don’t know how that converts to the amperage ratings we usually see.
Do they look like the ones in the amazon link? Were you able to test capacity?
I’m curious about them because I’m looking for some thinner unprotected 26650’s for a light I’m upgrading from 3C. These are showing 1.03” diameter / 26.16mm which would work, was going to ask you to confirm the measurement if possible, but if you bought them years ago I’m not sure they’d be the same unless they look exactly like the photos on amazon.
Something like this, but you could use a steel bolt, a rod or metal dowel rod, steel aluminum copper etc.
There’s a few “pictorial instruction” threads on blf about making them, but photophucket killed those too.