Hong Kong Post - Delay In Outbound Air Mail Services

It seems they 'sold' a bunch of SRK drivers without actually having them in stock, only after they collected the money did they start looking for a supplier.

On 21/09/2013, I placed an order for 18650 batteries with Fasttech. There was a flashlight and other items in the order but it was predominately batteries. I have just been informed on 23/09/2013 that it was rejected and returned to Fasttech who have given me no other postage options (I would even be happy with slow boat at this point) but to give a refund.

I was hoping they would get through but unfortunately did not.

I also see on Fasttech forum that it’s only the cylindrical lithium batteries that are being stopped, not mobile batteries. Lithium is lithium, so why the difference I have no idea.

I was therefore interested in what other Australian forum members are going to do about getting lithium batteries now. I know that there are a small amount of local retailers who offer them ( at drastically increased prices) but they also have to import them, so at some point they are going to run out.

I also think that Fasttech and others should remove these batteries from sale as they cannot fulfil orders or honour the free postage sales pitch. Giving refunds after the fact is not good enough as exchange rates have changed, so I may end up losing money and not get what I asked for, but dont get me started on that.

I was just cheerfully told that they will ship my Fenix lights ASAP after they purchase them from their supplier.

I really wished they had done that before or at least right after I bought them 7 days ago.


There are a number of Aussie-located sellers on eBay that sell laptop battery packs. Just gotta look for the right ones and learn how to rip them apart.

I received four packs which contain 8 cells each just last week. I should be set for a while.

Yes I did think of those however I prefer new protected cells and I beleive they are unprotected.

Beggars can't be choosers.

They are new though. Internal resistance is as low as new.

no lithium battery from popular retailers anymore…
flashaholic in crisis :frowning:

latest announcement from Wallbuys

They should offer this and a 4 cell version. Unlike the flashlight, there's no risk of it turning on.

This and 4 cells :bigsmile:

They could be a good option! I just opened a ticket with fasttech to see if this would be a possibility.

I am a little annoyed as well as I ordered two Trustfire 26650s and a Convoy L2 host and they were sent in separate packages and now I have all the parts arriving for my L2 build but the batteries were rejected and I don’t own any 26650s to power it now. Whilst I can find 18650s locally, albeit at a hugely inflated price compared to HK, the 26650s are proving far more difficult to come by.

This whole situation with batteries not being posted is actually very frustrating for me. I certainly won’t be buying anymore lights until a solution is found.

A Fasttech’ order of two 18500 and some emitters shipped 9/2 through HKP which track did not appear till last Saturday…

Destination - Argentina
The item (RT194378xxxHK) is being processed for departure from Hong Kong as of 23-Sep-2013.

An order from CNQ for 4 KK 26650 + 4 KP 3400 along with some xml2 leds on 9/9 received 9/21.

FT order of 4 Samsung 20R’s + 3 TF 32650 on 9/17 now finally showing ‘dispactched overseas’.

yes i have it….but here it says: not found / unable to track :~
i have to contact aurabuy?

I finally received the first of my three orders. 2 from FT 1 from IO. No batteries in any order, but this one sat in HK Post for two weeks.

Delivered CAPE CORAL, FL 33993 September 23, 2013 2:21 pm
Out for Delivery CAPE CORAL, FL 33991 September 23, 2013 9:40 am
Sorting Complete CAPE CORAL, FL 33991 September 23, 2013 9:30 am
Arrival at Unit CAPE CORAL, FL 33991 September 23, 2013 7:21 am
Depart USPS Sort Facility TAMPA, FL 33605 September 23, 2013
Processed through USPS Sort Facility TAMPA, FL 33605 September 22, 2013 11:31 pm
Depart USPS Sort Facility SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94128 September 20, 2013
Processed through USPS Sort Facility SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94128 September 20, 2013 9:37 am
Processed Through Sort Facility HONG KONG AIR MAIL CENTRE, HONG KONG September 19, 2013 3:15 pm
Acceptance HONG KONG September 6, 2013 3:53 pm

I got that with no battery on my order and status is still “Origin Post is Preparing Shipment” since 9/04. :frowning:

Anybody here have not receive order for 44 days? Will you be filing a paypal dispute?

It’s been 2 1/2 weeks and yes, I’ve already filed…no response yet.

I haven’t received any response to my Paypal dispute. I could escalate it but it seems wrong to do so now my package is on Hong Kong Post system.

A dispute at 2.5 weeks? That’s just crazy. Asian mail is slow.

However, at 45 days file a dispute. If you don’t you are screwed. You can still come to an agreement after filing, but are boned if you don’t file a dispute.

Oh, I got batteries today mailed by fasttech on 9/9. Wrapped in foil.

Foil?!! Was there a battery case too?