How do you deal with anger?

How I dealt with anger when I was younger (I'm retired) especially with inconsiderate folks in my family I go cut my yard.

It's either that or clobber them senseless.

When your estrogen becomes high you become highly emotional “PMS”, this is widely known for many years, and happens in both women and men (but doesn’t happen 100% of the time, just decreases the threshold where it’s likely to happen). In women it is more clearly known because they go through manifolds of different levels of estrogen during their cycles and/or childbearing. In men this is usually manifest when their testosterone is exogenous introduced such as roiders. No one would call a juice head the calm mellow bunch.

In both men and women, losing gonadal hormones causes a decreased baseline level of mood, and inability to control mood and emotional reactions to events, causing irritability, social-withdrawal, anxiety and depression.

In men, abstaining “nofap” initially causes testosterone levels to mildly increase, eventually to decline after approx 5 weeks of abstinence.

None of your business!

Stop asking questions!


There’s women in this topic?

Beat the kids ,kick the dog ,spank the baby, kiss the wife, drive fast, throw stuff, get crazy ,calm down ,apologize ,steal stuff, resist arrest ,go to prison, say prayers, eat, sleep, play , rinse ,repeat.

Someone said sometimes anger is just sadness

I’m a naturally angry person. Because I was a cop and had a few outbursts (i beat the crap out of a guy that attacked me off duty while I had my arm in a sling and i was walking with my wife…why wouldn’t I be angry?), i was sent to a shrink just so the dept would have a defense should I go nuts. I said all the wrong things to the shrink so they medicated me with prozac, anti seizure meds to curb the outbursts, and a few others. My wife’s boss, a pharmacist, told me I shouldn’t drive let alone carry a gun with the stuff they had me on, which also left me impotent. The time period for treatment by the department was up and i had to start seeing my own shrink. The city shrink refused to refill my prescriptions and i went into withdrawal and ended up being hospitalized. My own brilliant psychiatrist took me off the meds and told me to face the fact I’m angry. It’s just the way i am. I demonstrated great control in all the situations where complaints were lodged against me (like NOT shooting a guy that tried to stab me: yes, i beat the crap out of him to subdue him). She made me see how i can feel the anger taking over and how to immediately calm myself. All my bodily functions returned to normal. Now I’m a messenger driving in nj the worst state for road rage…should I be worried?

Interesting post, perhaps it is body image that makes you angry, you could try body building, that would help you look good and steroids are very useful in that effort, also a little meth use would help you keep off the extra pounds, and remember that firearm target practice is very relaxing.

Steroid and meth? Really?

Just go to the range and fire off some rounds. It is relaxing and fun. I round up my three pistols and spend a half day there.

A few rounds at the range…… :wink:

My toys for the range but the Beretta PX4 9mm is my EDC.

<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='IMG-20191116-113315'/></a>

Left to right: Beretta PX4 9mm-EAA Witness 10mm-Heritage Rough Rider 22LR/22mag revolver.

Anyone ever try “Laughing Yoga”?? Just go “Hahahaha, hahahaha” and “Wooohooohoohoo Wooohooohooo when you’re about to go ballistic. Cmon just try it. I’m gonna give it a go.

There is no question that Laughing Yoga worked for me but the judge fined me $500.00 and ejected me from the court room, which was much worse than the $35.00 parking ticket I was challenging.

I'm sure that will work great if you're pulled over by an officer in the US!

Guru Yogi Bear prefers escapism when dealing with anger.

Check your PM's.

Im not too angry at all at my age. When younger, maybe slightly.

Nowadays I feel some frustration but not really hate :slight_smile:

I’m not an angry person 99% of the time. But if something frustrating or pain-inducing occurs and I feel angry, I vocalize the anger (assuming I’m not in front of other people, besides my wife who is used to hearing it) and let it out, and a minute later I’m no longer feeling angry.

Well, if it’s any consolation, NJ isn’t the worst state for road rage. New York and California have it beat, at least in major metropolitan areas.

But no matter the area, the real trick of it is to fight the impulse — ALLOW people to pass you. GET USED TO IT. Frame it as, you’re not in competition. Someone else is in a hurry to get somewhere. Not trying to beat you. Let them go. Frame it like this enough times, and it gets easier. Believe me, I was in that boat. I couldn’t stand the “car language” of people trying to “beat” me. Because they’re out there. Screw ’em. They’re not worth it. Now? I’m very seldom triggered. It’s such a relief!

Well worn precedent is a phenomenal shield against the resolving of anger. The older you are, the harder it is to change. And actually, what ends up required is dramatic steps. The best thing is the right therapist, but they’re hard to find. Anger management that utilizes yoga (not that laughing crap) is worth exploring. But ultimately, anger stems from unresolved psychological events (either traumatic, or cumulative). Can’t fully release until the cause is understood.