How do you store your batteries?

All my lithium ion batteries (14 total) are in constant use. 2 of my flashlights have a back-up battery that I just swap and charge when the battery gets low. With the other flashlights, I recharge them when the batteries get low.

My last two TrustFire IMR14500 700mAh (red-gold) are now stored inside my old hair clipper. From 2S Ni-MH to high current li-ions. Performance? Staggering!!!

Originally posted on Sat, 06/24/2017 - 07:28; video problem fix.

For when you clip your old hair?

Btw, video’s unavailable. :stuck_out_tongue:

Video works as far as I can tell.

Well, a day ago plus a little while a friend of mine came home and we went to party at night at the capital (). Pretty ladies out there agreed I look younger than my 41+ solar cycles.

I posted the message while having a Dutch Piss at the bar.

We came back home at ≈12:15PM ROFL!

P.S.: the Ultrafire AT-01 is a PoS.

Might be a region thing, no idea. Just get the “static” display with small-text “This video is unavailable.”.

Fooey. Still didn’t get mine yet.

What sucks about it?


Same for me too

Fixed the video problem, it wasn't published yet LoL! (I myself could watch it of course).

Quick facts for the AT-01, Lightbringer:

  • Pill: hollow, small, with very low height driver shelf until you knock on the emitter board, ≈5mm. Emitter retaining device: circular metal sheet piece, much like those $2 SK68's.
  • Lens: plastic, ∅28mm OD, ∅20.5mm ID; focal lenght must be somewhere a few millimeters above ≈11.5mm, which is the head travel lenght.
  • Bezel: ∅22mm gap.
  • Head: wobbly (single o-ring).
  • Emitter: unidentified angry blue specimen. :facepalm:
  • Driver: typical custom micro-controller unit with small FET and a couple of current limiting resistors.

Received a few days ago, didn't payed much attention to it for reasons. May take a pic or two some other time.

Originally posted on Sun, 06/25/2017 - 12:28; small fixup.

Okay, I got the “wow” part, but whut’re you saying at the end? “Chee-orrrr”?

Crappy driver, can replace.

Crappy emitter, can replace.

Plastic lens… in a cheap zoomie, that’s kinda what I’d expect.

Wobbly head, okay, not good.

Pill… okay, probably like my SK98s.

Worse comes to worse, can pawn ’em off on someone else. :smiley:

UltraFire AT-01: How Low Can You Go? x-D

I know it’s not best for battery life, but I keep li-ions fully charged. My excuse is that better batteries are constantly being developed, so replacing means upgrading.


At some 80%, sometimes near full.

My usage and battery count are so low, it really does not matter that much

Well, the way you speech stuff, I guess that's a yes.

It's not only 50% faster, the available torque is also multiple times stock. Thus, despite you can clip your hair really fast, it's easy to feel the blade's heat on your nape. Freaking rocks!

I charge all Li-Ions every four months, and then let them naturally discharge until the next session.

a portfolio of cells

stratagy 3, 4 and 5

Yesterday, I decided to check my emergency reserve of 18650’s. 28-30 months after being charged initially to 4,2. Temperature 20-27, mostly 22-23. sometimes for a short time close to 30 (68-84, 72-74 / 92 for those in USA :wink: )… stored fully charged.

UR18650A X 12, bought from laptop pack disassembly - 2200mAh nominal capacity, discharged to 2,8V - ~2100 mAh, except two with 1200 and 1700 (the faulty cells had significantly increased IR).
NCR18650B X 4 protected - one 2500, others 2750-3000 - 3amps, 2950 and 3050-3150 - 1amp
(I was discharging to 2,8 with 3 amps, waited 5 minutes, dicharged to 2,8 with 1 amp)

Don’t exactly know how precise is my charger (106B+) - but shows about 0,01V lower and ~1% less current compared to my DMM.

100% charged. In case of an emergency.

Li-Ion 18650