I don’t really have a place as such. I’m pretty messy though, but in an organised mess kind of way. If I need it every day then it goes in my handbag (EA4W for scale >.<):
I bet you have to be pretty careful with all that glass.
I did have to… I replaced the thin glass with thicker after I accidently punched thru one of the shelves going after a flashlight that was falling… LOL
Yeah Dale - Your story was one of the ones that made me start storing them on their sides like I do now. I have punched through glass before and it was not fun. Have the scars to prove it.
Glad my clumsiness has helped someone!!! LOL
Sure I’ve said it before, but that curio is friggin awesome man. I’m not quite there yet though.
Thanks Tim
Imagine a handbag full of lights! :bigsmile:
No idea why this is inside the quotebox. XD
Fully equipped with Moose on gaurd 24/7!
That would be a lot of lights!! :bigsmile: I only need one though (light, that is). My keyring doesn’t count. Okay, maybe two.
!<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src=http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x48/gords1001/20130522_200023_zps3b31bd68.jpg border=0 alt=>!
that’s my light staging area, there are a few missing (two edc’s, bedroom light, some that are out of sight of mrs gords etc )
I tend to use the same two lights for my work edc’s, one on my lanyard with my h03 and my d5 in my screwdriver pocket, mini 02 and srm h02 on my house keys, then my off duty hours pouch has an en01 and xiozhi loaded.
When we move house I’m going to have a cabinet in the gords cave to keep most of my lights and knives, keep them out of both mrs gords’ way and out of little fingers that my end up hurting themselves (both my boys seem to like turning hard driven xm-ls on to high tgen shining them in their eyes).
50 shades of Grey? Really G ?? LMAO
What’s that blue torch gords?
And that blf a8 needs to be front center!
mrs gords bought it, got about a chapter in, then got in a chat with some rather scruffy distant step aunts who were all raving about it. she threw it on the shelf in disgust and there its lay ever since lol.
to better put those shelves into perspective
<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src=http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x48/gords1001/20130522_202234_zps3610ac29.jpg border=0 alt=>
and this is more representative of gords literature
<a href=Photo Storage | Photobucket target=_blank><img src=http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x48/gords1001/20130522_202258_zpsbff02ce6.jpg border=0 alt=>
I need another one of those bookcases for my warhammer collection too.
the blue torch is an asda (wall mart) special, its not actually that bad, taking a 16mm star, 17mm driver and 3aaa, I want to get another few and build them up with nw xp-g2’s, 1.4a 3 mode nanjgs and coppered battery holders or 18500 cells.
Me, I use an old messenger bag type laptop bag.
Which holds most of them. Well, the majority of them.
Or something.
bwahaha woah now…
Nice little collection gords. You like them big lights, I know.
That blue one is kinda purdy. Not surprised you like it Pulsar.
I do like any light who’s form remind me of a 3d maglite, guess I’m a traditionalist at heart, I also like my convenient sized lights I regularly carry.
That blue one is a nice host, their available in cherry red too and have pretty good machining to be honest.
Perhaps another blf giveaway sometime in the future.
You can’t see most of my smaller lights as their either in pockets or my day sack or tool boxes lol, the big ones are shelf Queens till I get out camping again tbh
if they were half that price, id buy both…
also, ordering this tonight:
http://www.fasttech.com/products/1354400 8)
and that 50 shades… my fiance reads that kind of stuff, but im not supposed to look at porno (alone :zipper_mouth_face: ). seriously, whats the difference??