I don’t collect them although I have more than I “need”. So, I mainly keep them near where I’d use them. I have a few “specialty” light that I mainly just play with and then are a shelf above my home office desk.
The only one that lives in it’s own case is the LT1.
Everyone who has played with this has ended up buying one.
I even convinced a few to join the BLF hoping for discounts.
All the Best,
Pelican or similar cases are great, but there are some inexpensive ones to look at too if you just want decent protection/eggcrate foam and not waterproof. Check out Flambeau pistol cases on Amazon. About $7 each. Meijia for more Pelican-like but more expensive (but still a good deal).
Thanks for this info. I see a lot of “knock off” pelican cases on amazon, but im new to the whole pelican case thing and have no idea which ones are decent and which ones are trash. this helps, thanks!
Some are displayed some older ones are in their boxes getting ready to be sold.
Here are a few.
I’d be embarrassed to show mine. My house looks like something you’d see on Hoarders. I haven’t seen the top of my desk forever. I just looked, over 25 lights on it, mostly a couple stacks of tube lights, along with batteries, ammo, knives, gun parts,ect. Other lights are scattered randomly all over the house, tool bags, packs and trucks.
Amazon.com: Clear Plastic Multi-Level Nail Polish Organizer | Holds up to 40 Bottles: Beauty
Flashlight / Battery storage | BudgetLightForum.com
Need ideas for a battery organizer... | BudgetLightForum.com
A simple way to store some if they have a clip is to clip them along the edge of a shoebox sized box . Having something with tiers makes it easy to grab any out of the herd .
I’ve been thinking about flashlight storage recently now that my 1 flashlight as of 2 months ago has grown to a collection of 15.
I’m looking for something similar to these Nock fountain pen soft cases as shown below but obviously large enough to accommodate KR4 proportions, that would be ideal for storing and for carrying 3 additional lights in my bag.
Lots of people with OCD in this thread :D
Love some of those ideas a lot. I'd like something special as well, but adding too many new ones makes it harder to get something with the future in mind.
I’m using Systainers (mini ones, not the standard size I use for tools) : quite future-proof as i could (and will…) be able to add another one on the stack when current ones are full