How many lights do you order per month?

0.60 lights per month for the past 81 months, real performance lights, not including sub-performance lights I purchased before I discovered real lights.

I have avoided the bottomest-drawer brands, and I have avoided jewelry-class lights. My price range is similar/same as yours; Astrolux to Fenix.

Brands that I have: Acebeam Astrolux Eagletac Emisar Fenix Four-Sevens Imalent Lumintop Manker Mateminco Nightwatch Nitecore Niwalker Noctigon Olight Thrunite

Not yet,: Armytek JetBeam Klarus MecArmy Nextorch Streamlight Sunwayman Surefire Zebralight Amutorch Convoy Fireflies Rovyvon Sofirn Welltool Wuben Wurkkos etc etc etc.

Not yet, USA Custom makes: Elzetta FrazLabs HDS LRI Malkoff McGizmo Muyshondt Okluma Oveready Peak Pelicans Prometheus TexasLumens TNC

I like very small practical lights, small practical lights, medium size practical lights, large practical lights, and very large practical lights.

There are no lights that I don't like; just simply some lights that I like more than others. The ones that I like more than others: I buy them.

I give kudos to Lumintop, Haikelite, Astrolux/Mateminco, Sofirn, etc for coming out with large, high performance configurations that Fenix, Nitecore, etc have passed over.

I have avoided lep because I don't want to accidentally target someone far away. But I do want one.

My lights:

Zero past last 12 months. Nothing worth spending money.

well, 2020 was different.

i lost control.

so far this year: 0.428 per month.

Hoping for zero.

Wanna buy some of mine?

I picked up one in the last 7 months or so. Same as you, I don’t see anything really exciting.

I've been getting at least 12 per month... I'd get more if Zoulas would reveal his method for getting free shipping on Sofirn deals.

I wish I could. :wink:
And who says the Nile is the only river that flows north like the Willamette.

There are several rivers that flow north here in the US.

Start with the St. Johns in Florida. Then guess the other one.

1 or 2 a year

it has to be something special

i already have my main light slots ‘filled’

would like a 16340 but am picky

always wanting a smaller 18650 but FW3A is a good compromise

otherwise i might get something really cheap now and then

like the $10 AAA copper tool light
also would like the optimum AAA light, have not found it yet

I’ve averaged about 1 per month for the last year or so. All have been custom Convoy builds with Nichia E17A LEDs. Ten to be precise.

I’m done now for a while. Seriously, I’m done. Seriously!

Honestly, too many recently. I’m making an effort to cut down my lights, especially where there’s overlap. Currently at about 30 lights, trying to cut it down to less than 10. It’s difficult, because some, like my FW1A which is so temperamental and finicky, I’ve gotten better lights that can replace them, but I keep the old ones just for sentiment really.

Approximately 0.1/month.
~0.2/month in 2021 :innocent:

For the people that said zero, what are you holding out for? 99,000,000 lumens for under $20?

Maybe we should start something like Flashaholic Anonymous.

I got single-digits lights that do more than I need. All my others are at best variations on a theme.

I got sneakers, flipflops, water-shoes, dress shoes, casual shoes… how many more types do I need, if I can only wear one pair at a time?

A raise.

Just trying to limit myself to buying only 1 - 2 per month, mostly of Astrolux, Sofirn, and Convoy, which are “affordable” when there is a good discount.

Just received yesterday one Astrolux FT03 (Black) + stainless steel bezel (US$9 extra!), and Astrolux FT02S (Green), the latter from a “group buy” on the BLF.

But I have just ordered one Convoy L7 and two Wurkkos FC12 because of BLF’s “group buy” discounts. So, no more buying in August for me…unless there is some new and good discount “group buy” emerging soon.

There should have been a twilight zone episode with a plot around a flashlight.

Next stop……. Willoughby.

“Martians are invading and no one has a damned flashlight??”

I buy about 2-4 lights per year.

That's 1-2 for me, and 1-2 for my family.