How often are your credit cards hacked?

Yeh, then even worse, it’s been marked as “delivered” and the presumption is that you actually ordered it and have it.


Therefore, since we already have a good relationship with the mailman (due to our hobby here), just let him know NOT to leave packages at your doorstep. Or, if you order enough online, just get one of those package lockers.

Whoa, you could probably fit like 3 or 4 babies in there…

’Fcourse, someone might just walk off with the whole thing.

Either that OR place weird things inside just cause they could.

well… if someone lives in such a good neighborhood that people might place stuff inside your package lockers…. I don’t think missing packages would be the main problem. I would just move :wink:

4 times over the last 2 yrs.
Was also part of the Equifax hack, but 3 were from skimmers at gas pumps, and 1 from a RFID reader.
All my regular use cards have use notifications set up for A) card used, but not present(web purchase), B) over $100, C) Gas pump. Having it set up like this has thwarted over $10K worth of bogus purchases, including $5K worth of trash pumps, and a $2K performance brake job.

I have been the victim of porch pirates once.

They got a box from Amazon (with two items) worth about $30

I contacted the two Amazon sellers, and they just re-sent the items that were stolen, for free.

Since then, we moved to our current location, and haven't had any trouble like that.

We kinda live in the middle of nowhere, on a dirt road, and we love it out here.

I grew up on a dead end dirt road. Loved the privacy.

We're in a housing community where most people have five acres.

We don't have many neighbors, but our neighbors all seem to be cool.

Very few people walk down our street, and even fewer drive down it.

It's very nice compared to our last place that was on a busy street, with a real jerk for a next door neighbor.

For the past 20 or so years, I average about one compromised credit card every 2-3 years. Just had one last week actually.

All of my past ones have been due to merchants’ sales systems getting compromised. This past week’s appears that it could have been a skimmer or merchant system, with me leaning strongly towards merchant system. The charges which led up to it only had one gas station, and it was a rather reputable chain which recently switched over to Chip transactions at their gas pumps. Other people in my office have had theirs skimmed at gas pumps and also skimmed by unscrupulous restaurant staff.

Considering how much I’m normally on the road, I’m very surprised it doesn’t happen more often. At the same time, it’s important to note that ALL of these compromises have been USA-based businesses. No doubt that the USA’s archaic lack on PINs for credit card transactions is to blame here.

As far as porch pirates and the like, I’m never home, so I never have anything delivered to my legal domicile or where my billing address is. Orders are either sent to my workplace or hotels.

I always wanted to build one of these


I am keen to understand whether anyone on BLF is using a RFID blocking wallet? a tactical wallet, maybe or some other form of shielding?


Just got word my business card got hacked again. Thank you again Equifax. I rank the hackers right up there with Equifax. Both slime balls.