The assumption is that at full power the junction reach 125 degr.C. That of course depends heavily on the construction of the light. Perhaps 125 is a little too high looking at Don's measurements from turn-on until 2 min. (this looks more like 90-80% as for 100-120 deg.C)
The Cree curves output vs. current give the output at full current before degradation from temperature.
Using the Cree curves for nominal output vs. temperature I find the derate values at 1/4 - 1/2 - 3/4 - full power (AVG. current) corresponding to 50 deg, 75 deg, 100 deg and 125 deg C.
Then I use curve fitting to find the formula for nominal output vs. avg. current.
To find Lumens from this you just have to multiply with the actual bin's nominal Lumen output.
Now I just have to get my programmer board and clip and 101-AK to try it out.
Ebay and DX, come on!
Can't wait...
But...Kinect computer drivers are out (no obfuscation over usb, it seems), so that's something very very cool to play with. $150 for probably the most advanced piece of equipment you can have in your house.
Let us know if the NANJG 106 is really 2.8A as it should be. Also I know you will be flashing them, but it would be good to know how the modes are spaced by default and whether they can be changed by soldering to the stars. That could be a really great driver for P7's, MC'E's, and XM-L LED's.
I can't test if it really delivers 2.8A because I don't have any LED capable of handling such a current. It does have 8x AMC7135 in parallel, so it should be a able to regulate at 2.8A. I'll test the modes once I removed the 4 "spare" 7135.
I'm not convinced this will make a good MCE/P7/XM-L driver, as it can only be used with a single Li-Ion cell. There are also no buffer caps for the 7135, which are needed according to the datasheet.
One version of the datasheet states that a 0.1µF ~ 1µF buffer cap should be added to the output pin if the LED is not mounted on the same PCB. It's probably true that this will only have an effect if the supply current is not steady, but with PWM we're having a switching frequency of up to 20kHz.
I'm just a software guy, so when the datasheet strongly recommends adding this caps, I try sticking to it. Do we have an EE around here who could comment on this?
The capacitor is used to limit oscillations that can occour when switching large currents through inductive paths like a long wire. The oscillations produces voltages that could be destructive for the components and/or violates EMC regulations. EMC = Electro-Magnetic Compatibility. This concerns noise disturbance of other electronic equipment. A driver without the capacitor could make a "dirty" light.
The clip showed up today. Hopefully I'll get the USB stick soon and be ready to try this thing out. If I do a programmable UI, I'm thinking I'll set up 4 modes and set them L-H-L-H to start with. Then if I need a medium or a different Low, I can set that. But L-H-L-H will be like having a 2-mode light with an option for 4 modes.
But when I tried to get the settings from the device, I got an error. So then I started using AVRdude to see if I could read the chip and I don't think I'm getting a connection. I don't know if it is the driver or the clip, but I get one message when I have a bad connection (same message I get when I don't even connect to the clip) and another when I am connected, but it still can't seem to find the chip. I'm using USBasp as the programmer which I guess is right for the thing I got from eBay.
There is a jumper on the board that I am leaving in place. Also, I hope I didn't fry the board but one time I was grabbing it and my finger was across the 3 resistors near the USB jack and they felt very hot or maybe even shocked me. Also I guess it is okay to pull the programmer out of the USB port whenever I want? And I can connect or disconnect the flashlight driver while it is plugged in? Also does it matter which way the clip is attached? I've tried both ways to make sure I'm not clipped upside-down.
This is the no connection error (programmer has a green LED lit, a red LED flashes briefly when I send this command):
C:\>avrdude -c usbasp -p t13
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
avrdude: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
avrdude done. Thank you.
This is the other one I get when I seem to have the clip on the chip correctly (green light is off):
C:\>avrdude -c usbasp -p t13
avrdude: error: could not find USB device "USBasp" with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc
That's probably a big part of the problem. The programmer came with a 10-pin cable and the clip came with an 8-pin cable. Plus, the 8-pin cable is not feeding into slots in position 9 and 10 on the programmer, so I need to undo the connector on the clip's cable and move wire number 8 over to position 9 in order to connect to MISO on the controller.
The programmer circuit board has the following printed, the first column on one side, and the other column on the other side of the board near the connector. The numbers are my guess as to the wire numbers in the ribbon cable.
The ATTiny13 is configured as follows, using ATMEL's pin numbers. The pin numbers are as follows in this table and the picture. I don't think Pins 2 and 3 are needed for programming the chip:
You'll always need to rearrange the pin wires (almost all of them), there's no way around it. Nobody makes an AVR 10-pin to ATTiny13 clip. :) Undo the clip, pull everything out, stack them back in right order and crimp again. Forget the numbering for this part, just look at the entirety of the setup and make sure the right pin on the usbavr goes to the right pin on the chip.
The little hole/depression on the chip in lower left is likely pin 1.
Hmmm . . . I originally guessed Pin 1 based on how the text was printed and figuring the chip was right-side up if you could read the text. But when I connected it that way the green LED would turn off. So when I do it with Pin 1 in the lower left, at least the green LED stays lit, but I still get the no connection error in AVRdude. But connecting the six pins that I think are needed for programming still didn't work, though I also tried all the combinations of Pins 2 and/or Pin 3.
I checked continuity from the USBasp-labelled point to the correct pin on the clip. But I'm not sure the wires in the teeth of the clip are making good contact. Some of the teeth seem a little short. I might have to try soldering the individual ribbon wires to the Atmel chip legs which won't be easy.
You should first check that all the pins make proper contact. You picture shows that, except for RESET (pin 1) and MOSI (pin 5) all relevant pins are connected somewhere on the PCB, so you won't have to probe the chip's pins with needles or something like that. Also make sure that the target receives power from the programmer and maybe check whether the PCB still works. Applying Vcc to the wrong pins might have fried the chip.
If you can find no problem there, it might be that the chip has its clock fuses set to 1MHz or less. In that case you will have to tell avrdude to use a slower bit clock. Default is set at ~1µs and it's suitable for clock speeds of 4MHz and up. Try -B 0.25 or 0.1 (if your programmer is based on the USBasp, you might need to set a jumper somewhere to enable programming of slow clocked targets).