How to find the 'What you got today' thread?

There ’s obviously many solutions to easily find the thread, thanks for that, but does anyone have an insight why the common search box of BLF does not find it?

Google search is a black box. My hunch would be that somehow the “what you got today” thread is delisted by some algorithm (perhaps link spam, or for whatever reason). In the end only Google knows why.

By the way in the alternative search engine duckduckgo the “what you got thread” appears as the second search result: budgetlightforum "what you got today" at DuckDuckGo.

Very strange indeed.
I got the “new” what you got today thread though, which was started in 2016 and was soon abandoned (only a few posts), but not the ‘real’ one.

Even when searching “what you got today” on Duck Duck Go you only get the “what did you mod today” thread where it mentions the WYGT topic…

That’s crazy…