I have a 18650 out on my drive that is bubbling, what should I do with it!???

I have an ex-wife that falls into that category. Something to do with chemistry, or hormones or something……never produced a damn thing but harmful as all get out.

I hear ya, did you get the right to remain silent to

It will chemically neutralize it.

Ever tried external snap ring pliers?

Get an opening started big enough to wedge the tips in, then squeeze. It pops open. Move the pliers a little further along and squeeze again, more pops open. No cutting/sawing/poking.

These have angled serrated faces, not the round pins you get with internal/external c-clip or snap ring pliers. It's technically for 'external retaining rings' but everybody uses these names interchangeably so it can be tricky to find the right kind. Most common use is in transmission rebuilding.


Why not just fill a plastic coke bottle with water and put the cell inside?

Water dilutes acid. ie makes it weaker.


Well, you heard wrong.

You could get some fumes if the electrolyte burns… which is hard to do under water.

Problems mixing acid and water is a function of the strength and amount of the acid and the amount of water. Vinegar and lemon juice are acids. You can pour water in them just fine. Also, you can add water to a car battery, which has a rather strong acid in it.

Wrong. I have a degree in chemistry. I could have told you you’re wrong when I was still at high school.

Now if you add water to elemental lithium you’ll see something…

Anything that burns can put out acidic fumes. Most lithium battery electrolytes contain fluorine which can make hydrofluoric acid fumes… not good to breathe.

Depends on the battery chemistry but it will be some gas like hydrogen fluoride (very bad) perhaps.

I dont know if putting it in water is the best thing to do, I just wanted to hear what happens when you do. :wink: But the vented gas should ionise in the water producing an acidic solution.