here is the info from the first post of that thread, for people who have not seen it:
so when the present thread started with
the question was just which end of the light the control ring should be on…
I would choose the design with the control ring on the head, and No Tailswitch.
fwiw, Jetbeam has previously built lights with rotary rings on the head, both with or without tailswitch:
Jetbeam RRT-01 with No tailswitch:
Jetbeam RRT-01 2020 model with tailswitch:
another example of a light with a control ring on the head, plus a tailswitch, is the venerable Sunwayman V11r:
those happen to be stepless infinitely variable magnetic rotaries, but since djozz does not want that, it could simply be built to have the discrete modes he listed above
the second option Wurkkos Terry posted, with the control ring and switch on the back, is also a feature of the HDS 24 step Rotary, designed for Ice Pick grip:
In the HDS the control ring is not magnetic, it has 24 discrete steps… I think the 4 mode dial that djozz suggested, would be sufficient, regardless which end it is on.
here is a past example of a light with a 4 mode dial, Sunwayman M11r
it has no tailswitch, just the front control ring w 4 modes, like djozz suggested.