What lumens do you expect from a XHP 35 HI?

ah I thought it was a XHP 70 LED. Will be looking at skylumens or Convoy L6 for a light instead.

Does anyone know how I can sell my BLF-GT modded by Sky Lumen, throw 2600 meters, paid $650 for it. Never used it except to test. This light is a beast.



What do you want for it and what did Skylumen do to it?

Well, let’s just say Vinh put in the BLF GT the most expensive single LED on the planet today.

The CFT90 is the second throwiest LED on the market right besides the Oslon Black Flat, but puts out 5000 lumens, meaning it is a monster thrower LED with a lot of lumens.

The downsides? It costs over 120$US in single quantities, and over 100$US in bulk, and gulps current like an endless waterfall, at over 100w and easily over 30A with a FET driver.

Meaning even the BLF GT will get really hot from it, and the 120$ LED, along with all the other costs if the 300$ BLF GT to a sky high 650$.

If it gets really hot, then the run times must really be low then. I see the temptation to have something like that, but may not be for me.

I tested it and it works for a little while before getting too hot. It is so large that I think the casing around it helps with the heat. It never got too hot for me. It is by far the best thrower light out there. The Lance of RA is a little tiny beam and I would not compare the two as it has no practical use. It is almost like a laser. The BLF-GT is a great light, worth every bit of $650. I just have no real use for it.