I'm a grandfather!!!

Congratulations! Dale.

Congrats Dale, what flashlight are you buying your grandson first? I suggest the PALight safety light 9 volt with a one year glow mode, just bright enough to check on a sleeping baby :wink:


Ask sb to change your name to “Grandpa Dale” in the database :wink:

And congratulations!

Congrats Gramps, Grandpa, or as I called mine... "Grampie"!!!


Congrats on the win, Dale!


Congratulations, Dale!

Congratulations, Dale - hope you have many more.

Congrats Grampa Dale! :beer:

Congratulations, gramps!

Congratulations, Dale!

Best job ever.

He will help you to see things you have forgotten to see.
Mine are grown and now I have 3 Greats and counting. Have fun.

Congratulations ! :party:

Belated congratulations dale, I’ve been off line for a few days :expressionless:

Hope all is cool

Congrats fellow light fiend. :slight_smile: