I'm Looking for Protected 26650 Batteries

was just looking at 5000mAh protected cells (8A max) in xtar’s store on ebay. will find link. 4000mAh are $12.50

$5000mAh, $18.60:

4000mAh, $12.50




1. Not as far as I am aware. Capacity is good at a bit over the claimed 5000ma & IR is low & the 2 cells are well matched to each other. All things you don”t find with dodgy “fire” brands.
2. Thorfire claim they are made by themselves in their own factory, according to their advert & an email they sent me (but who knows really what goes on in China & they might just be another makers cell, possibly BAK, wrapped in Thorfire wrappers)
3. Liitokala Engineer Lii-500
4. Just that capacity & IR wise they compared very well to my Keeppower, Basen & Liitokala 26650”s & run an S70 fine with no sign of getting hot when run on Turbo (about 5A) continually for around 20 minutes.

eebowler: Thanks for the links. Yes , the 5000mAh is protected.—-While looking on the xtar eBay link at the 4000mAh
in the Battery Specification chart , it states that , Yes it has Protection , but in the eBay ad picture of the 4000mAh it
shows “No Protection Circuit” printed on the battery label.

Honestly I can’t say anything about the quality. :confused: I’m buying hoping for the best. lol Here are 4300mAh protected cells for $8+3.50 shipping.

Yeah , they’re pretty cheap ! Did you order them already ?

Anyone have any info on them yet , like who and where

they are manufactured and the protection circuit :question:

These cells are confusing me. The Xtar 4000mAh unprotected cell is 67.5mm in length and

the 4300mAh—protected cell is 65mm in length !!! Thus it’s shorter ! Aren’t protected cells

usually longer then the unprotected cells ? :rage: :expressionless: Where’s the protection circuit in the 4300 ?

Also don’t forget , it states in the eBay ad that you can make them an offer on the 4300mAh cells. Try it and see what Xtar does.

You are correct…Those GOT TO BE typos on those Ebay/Xtar cells. I’d definitely contact seller before any purchase

got 4 of these in today, all measure between 69.1 to 69.3mm. will get capacity check in opus when time permts. made offer of $18 shipped for 4, can’t beat the price.

I’d guess that xtar on ebay is just one, busy, non-native, english speaker. They had a dive light for $46. I asked if it was just the flashlight or the kit since the kits were $91 ish. They basically said Oops, and increased the price. Damit! lol. Also, it doesn’t make sense to me that the 4300mAh cells, WITH protection, are cheaper than the unprotected 4000mAh cells however, I’ll keep my mouth shut this time :wink:

bigmike, I’m not US based so these cells may reach me in the next month. I can’t help with specifics even if I wanted to.:confused:

Read post #28—There’s the answer to the eBay ad typo error for the Xtar 26650 4300mAh Protected battery size being 65mm , they are 69 mm !!!

AND + or - .5mm. for margin of error I’m wondering if these can be used in series and fit properly in the L6??

Anybody get a pair of these for the L6 and do they fit??

Yes , they do take awhile to answer your ??’s , even if the answer is a little confusing sometime. When you get the cells , let us know

what you think about them if you’d like to.

They fit bit little long for my liking.

troisanh , To their eBay ad , how did you make the $18 offer ?——Meaning how did you word it , when you sent your offer ?

Normally you are correct about *fire batteries, but if you get real TrustFire batteries they are good,they are both protected and have the capacity or more that they promise. But of course, not always easy to get real/not faked batteries. I have been lucky from several sellers both on Ebay and other places.
WindyFire has several good tests from HJK, so nobody can claim they do not deliver. But I can’t seem to find any protected 26650 cells there just now. Can be me, or they are out/never had them.
I have several types of Windyfire batteries and they are all good. (Like HKJ says)

All other *Fire batteries is just junk.

SHAME ON YOU XTAR! EDIT: GREAT POLICY XTAR! xtarshop on ebay fully refunded the money, including shipping. I received the 4000mAh cells yesterday. One had an open circuit voltage of 1.06V and the other 0.4V. Do not buy these cells. I’d assume that all cells on sale are in the same condition. Will report to you when the ‘4300mAh’ cells come in.
The 1.06V cell would not charge in the Xtar wp2h charger but, started charging in a nitecore i4 only because the i4 is a NiMH charger as well. The 0.4V cell is not charging in anything. :frowning:

Oh , ok you bought the 4000 and 4300mAh cells ?!—Now you have the 4000’s that looks like they’re POS-(crap) and you’re waiting for

the 4300’s to arrive. Let’s hope the 4300’s turn out better. Have you contacted Xtar yet about the no good 4000’s or are you going to wait

for the 4300’s to arrive and you test them ? Because if both sets of these cells are POS , you can jump on Xtar that one time. Keep us posted

and thanks for the alert.

Just in case there’s someone who doesn’t know
what POS stands for, here it is: POS=Piece Of Sh_t .
You fill in the blank !

If it hasn”t been asked already can I ask why do these cells need to be protected & what light are they for ?

bigmike, yes, I messaged xtarshop immediately notifying them of the bad cells they are selling.

Old saying
You (usually) get what you pay for.