I'm searching for Astrolux S3 body (or BLF x5) black. Body only...

Chuckle. I’d like to believe it’s all well understood and best practices followed.
Like I said, what I have in my hands is just evidence for what I have, not for a general statement about everything similar.
Which, sadly, cuts both ways as to what legoes with what. Until we have someone with a few thousand parts and time to do the proper QA/QC and the statistics.
As should happen, of course, and will eventually. At least for the big stuff like aircraft and fission power stations.


As with so much human history, the question may be what did we know, and when did we quit knowing it.

Sounds like out of tolerance threads.

Found a battery tube that fits the X5 head threads — though it doesn’t light up.
Threads aren’t quite long enough to reach the ground ring.
EDIT, dropped an extra driver retaining ring in to fill the gap and it lights up fine.

It’s a loose end labeled “OPTILED” I bought from somewhere in what must have been a drunken evening (and I don’t even drink)

It’s a 1xAA battery tube and tailcap with an impossibly deeply recessed switch, no head.

I have no idea why I bought it. I’ll figure out where I got them and come back.

Yo ho ho, another victory for sedimentary organizing.
Just dig down to the appropriate stratum and

Dang! they’re sold out. I’m sorry.

Well, this is that — maybe they will have more (unlikely) or you can find something equivalent elsewhere…


I bought an S3 host (aluminum) back when they were selling them, and it came with a lighted tailswitch.

Today I got an S2 host (aluminum) in the mail. No tailswitch.

If they’re going to sell them without switches then they should sell the switches (both lighted and unlighted) and the driver that makes the lighted tail cap work as well. Otherwise the host should include the switch since it’s not normally a part of which you choose different kinds like a driver or led.