With the emitters facing the ceiling, one design has 3 legs dropping down from the shelf and a stack of horizontal plates. This is a bit more complicated but allows air to flow all the way through the light. Nice
The other design had a solid aluminum block under the shelf and several small fins all around the perimeter. This is simpler, but doesn’t let the air flow through the light. Not so good, but decent.
The light have issues alot, driver, batteries and charger?
So, Im especting a good brand to make a light with ACTIVE cooling and which really WORKS without issues and without excuses “we still work on this”…… So, they made the light and dont swtich on that crapy to know if that realky works? (Assuming they dont have engineers or tecnicians to project a balanced circuit to run without problems)
I have no doubts about the quality and project of imalent now, its priceless bought an expencive thing and dont have that, only the expectative of “we working on it”
Because I have ordered the light couple of days before,thinking that they ship at 09/30,I look many times at the BG site.Well,today they changed the logo, restock at 09/30,to coming soon ,shipping time 5-8 business days.