I sent you a donation, you need the money more that I need more flashlights.
I stand by what Old says. Do not buy the light unless he gets what he is owed! Its nice of you M4D M4X to do that thank you. But we may just make the situation worse? I am sure Banggood doesn’t want hundreds of lights they can not sell. So they need to come clean on the deal! Plus they may have the F13 in stock also?
Just to update this. I just received a message from someone at Banggood names Swi, who wants to all of a sudden, be friends and make flashlights with my logo. I think he might be a little slow on the take, since they already are doing that, without my permission. I simply told him that when Banggood pays 8% of the sale of every light sold with my logo so far, to me, into my PayPal account, then we can talk, but if he says that it was not ever approved by Banggood, then I will know he is full of it and I will stop communications with them. I can't see this as ever being anything good, but maybe I will be surprised. I could use a good surprise for a change, LOL.
Anyhow, I just wanted to let y'all know what is going on at the moment and I will keep you informed, if you want, that is.
Hello Justin,
Apologize again for our mistakes.
Of course, we will follow what Neal promised you and pay for you seem like we started as agreed.There are few flashlights have already sold.I will ask the colleague to follow up it. Please don’t worry! Wait for a while patiently.
Because I returned maternity leave at the end of Nov and taken over this forum,need time to follow up all things one by one, including yours.Anyway, we will solve this as soon as possible.
On behalf of banggood to apologize to you once again, thank you for understanding!!
Best Regards,
Banggood has now honored their agreement, so if any of you want to buy one of these lights with the Old-Lumens Logo, please feel free to go ahead and purchase knowing that Banggood will honor the payment to me. I received my first paypal payment from them. Only a couple have been sold, but they did honor it. For every one sold, I will get 8% of the sale. Well, Valerie will get 8%.
I do not know about any other lights right now, like the F13. I am not doing too good and don't know if I can work any more deals, but get an A01 with my logo if you want. You might want to mention you are a blf member in the notes when buying, but it should not matter. They should honor all sold, no matter what.
Thanks to all of you.
Order placed for 1. It will be my honor to have this light by my side.
Thanks to Swi for picking this project up where it was dropped :+1: And to M4DMAX for nudging it along again. I was going to get one of these but finances slowed me and then things went awry, but now that we’re back on track I’m ordering one now.
This thread needs a bump I received mine and am happy to say it looks better than the pics show. I tested it and removed the cell as this light will get it’s place of highest honor in my small collection. It’s truly the nicest light I own.
Mine’s coming next week as well.
No sign of the F13 yet, looks like that ones not going to happen. Shame as I liked the look of that one
Order this light, it’s a great way to remember Justin by.
only 11 sold in total :(
go go go
May Old Lumens rest in peace.
May Old Lumens rest in peace.
I just ordered one, it will be really nice having such a nice light that will remind me of the great man and of all the knowledge and help that he offered to this community.
Please let me know that the payment made its way to Old Lumens family.
Hey Nadav!
From banggood rep:
we already payed 50pcs for his light, and now want to pay the left 50pcs, although only sold 11 pcs at present
THANK YOU Swi! :beer:
+1 :+1:
Swi, that is very kind of you and Banggood and I won’t forget that kindness.
So it’s OK to order them now? Might want to edit your first post.
Thank you for the update
Do I use the link in the first comment, or can I just order this light directly?