I would hope that Sofirn is still in development. From some exchanges, they may offer a complete Q8.
My queries and feedbacks:
As I had ordered the MCPCBs with XHP50.2 (there was a window of opportunity on Sofirn’s WebStore) and later was cancelled. Pressing the matter, from Lan Lee (August 27th):
However, I took it up with Barry that the Q8 was successfully fitted with the XHP50.2s and there are no known issues with the light. Also, that Sofirn should offer some upgrades on “power lights”, to which he replied (Sept 3rd):
Lan Lee had previously stated (Aug. 12th):
As I was re-instating that some 12+ members that are interested in such “[link]”:[old Interest list, do not use] (was: XHP50.2 (3V) boards for Q8 no longer available) - #12 by Sofirn (previous interest list).
I found the response was too presumptuous. So if there is a demand, Sofirn should look into the matter.
Where else can we find the willingness of a manufacturer that states in their signature ‘If you wish to have a light made, please contact us’?
Just now sent a PM to Barry about the outsourcing of those 5050 boards. It has been 2 weeks, should be about right.