Is an illuminated tailcap possible?...... Solved?

560ohm driver and 4.7k ohm series also works with the red flashing led, and so does a 560 and 1k combo.

Oh, to measure it, just install the offtime-cap firmware and then turn it on. It’ll blink out the raw ADC value for the capacitor.

The idea is to check the value after being off for like 0.1s, 0.5s, 2s, 5s, whatever. Overnight is way more than necessary. Then, using the values for different timings, plug in the one you like and that will be the boundary between a long and short press.

If it always reads out the same value, the OTC will be useless. But if there’s a difference between 0.1s and 2s, for example, you can still use off-time measurement for mode changes.

I haven’t read all your thread, but i think should have some clear boots, i believe i remember cereal killer mentioning that a while ago. The reason i say “should” & “think” is that for some reason the webshop is so slow i cant browse it today at all, not even the google cache works properly, i don’t know why & i cant check for sure but i distinctly remember they had a good selection of boots.

Yep thanks. After I asked that I found CK’s post with a link. Ordered some yesterday.

I have used glowon, stuff is hard as nails…would NOT be good on a flexible clicky…

I painted some on a pull string I use on my bedroom light (double coated the little lightbulb w/ the glowon paint)…used my Roche F6 (my normal bedside light right next to my bump in the night sock em in the puss w/ light C8) and light soaked it for about 15 seconds…darn thing glowed all night, so bright that after I turned out the lights had a green glow in the room almost bright enough to see by.
Even put some on my sights on my 1991A1…came off on the front sight due to it being so smooth….but the rear sight paint is still there, just a blast of light from my EDC and all I do is line up the glowing front site in the rear site and badguy catches an ashtray.

This is my “dummy proof” ceiling fan pullstrings…(ask me why :stuck_out_tongue: )

Neat idea. Making replacement tailcaps with the illuminated button would be a good addon for lights lacking a moonlight mode built in.

I have a few ebay fake-solarforce tailcaps in the scrap bin.

If you haven’t already, check out this newer thread