Is The Nitecore TM28 Obsolete Or At Least No Longer Competitive?

QReciprocity42, per the below linked review on this site from when the TM28 was introduced Turbo sustained time varies with battery type used. Factory supplied batteries caused a large Turbo output drop at about 4 minutes.

Also another poster mentioned the combination of flood coverage and beam reach with the TM28’s four reflectors. The current Wurkkos TS32 with 12 flood LEDs and a fairly large central reflector and single LED spotlight, each mode separately controlled but capable of combined operation, is equally versatile I would think for about 1/4 the price as it is currently under $100 before sales taxes via 3 current offers on Amazon. It also offers color temperature LED options. Very close in size and weight to the TM28 too. Fenix also has their big brute light, the LR60R with similar capability but in a much larger and heavier light.

One reason I originally posted regarding the TM28 is that this is a light format that has virtually disappeared. I have multiple similar layout 4 reflector in a square arrangement soda can lights from about 10 years ago but this layout has become quite scarce currently. I presume that this is probably related to advancements in LED technology.

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