I broke down and finally bought a new set of torx drivers last night at the Home Depot. Not had much luck trying to "budget" purchase these types of things from China in the past. My previous multi-driver purchase had pieces missing or duplicated. For a princely sum of $5 at the local store, I'm pretty satisfied.
I'm glad, did you get the Husky torx screwdirver? I love that torx screwdriver.
Yes I did! Looks like a fine set (and complete).
The ball being off the blade tang during the last part of the opening process is normal but I wish it wasn’t. This was the first thing I noticed when I opened mine. It is a minor detail I feel they overlooked.
Like you state it would be smooth during the whole opening process if the tang was just a little bigger.
But the good news is it will get much smoother with a little use.
The ball being off the blade tang during the last part of the opening process is normal but I wish it wasn’t. This was the first thing I noticed when I opened mine. It is a minor detail I feel they overlooked. Like you state it would be smooth during the whole opening process if the tang was just a little bigger. But the good news is it will get much smoother with a little use.
Yes, I agree with this...considering I ordered 8 and the ball is off the tang on all of them its either my batch - unlikely, or a design issue since they are all cookie cutter parts. :( To bad they didnt think about this...
Notice on the EL01 the ball is well inward and smooth the entire opening cycle...
Anyway, my SRM Drifter doesnt have this issue, Id say its the better knife because of that.
Speaking of design flaws, and this applies to most frame locks... the stupid tip-down carry. Not a fan of tip-down in general, and that's only a personal preference, but on frame-lock like the 710 the thumb stud cannot help but impede full seating in the pocket. Frame-locks are wonderfully efficient and make for a thin profile, which makes the thumb stud more prominent relative to the thickness of the frame. I'd really rather just stuff the knife in my pocket, rather than always have to fiddle with it to clear the thumb stud from the top of the pocket. Some knives only come with right-hand studs, but no frame-locks (the style that could really use it) that I'm aware of. Rant over.
Yes good point about the tip down and the thumb stud, I never really noticed that before, but its true.
Seriously...SRM, just copy a Sebenza in stainless steel...then they wouldnt have the clip issue or the flaw that someone overlooked putting the ball right along the edge.
Its an $8 Chinese knife so I shouldn't criticize and no one expects much, but its the little details...
I know I'm carping on this issue. The 710 is so good, it just bugs me that it's so close to being brilliant. Really over now.