Is this NITECORE BIB2150 genuine? No public information available..

Hello there, I bought an ebike battery which has NITECORE cells in them. Its a 13S3P configuration, 5Ah per cell, so 720Wh in total. However I couldn’t find anything about this cell!

I’m interested whether it’s a rewrapped cell or genuine… And what discharge rate and discharge characteristics it has.

I hope you enjoy your stay, Tomblarom!

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Nitecore does not manufacture li-ion cells. They used to rewrap “big name” cells but now mostly wrap China-manufactured ones. No way to know which cell is used here (and the ratings) without unwrapping one and physically comparing it to some China 4800mAh-5500mAh cells and then testing to be sure.

I scratched the label of one cell and there is no 2nd wrap underneath. Are there cell that got printed model numbers on the body, like a Samsung 50G?

These companies either order cells without wraps or they remove the factory wrap and then rewrap. They often wash the cells to removed any printing on the metal can but sometimes they don’t.

Whether there is (was) printing on the can depends on what cell they’re using. I don’t remember any China cells having the model number on the can though.

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thanks for your explaination. I wasn’t aware of this. Do you know who I could ask? E.g. the Vapecell T50 was known to be a Samsung 50S cells, but how has this been figured out?

I contacted NITECORE and the manufacturer of my ebike battery.

Asking Nitecore is probably the best way to try to find out.

They might have found out what the T50 was by asking Vapcell or someone tested the cell and compared its appearance and performance to the Samsung 50S.