It looks like a Pipe Bomb, but it's not (or is it?)

I’m not concerned about this thread title, it seems reasonable to me. And I’m not concerned about NSA-style spying- if they ain’t smart enough to understand we’re talking about flashlights and that we’re not any kind of threat to anyone, then we’re already in deeper trouble than we can add to by posting something here.

Now back on topic: Any LiIon cell can cause us grief in a number of ways. It’s just more likely to happen when used in series and where thermal transfer or pressure from one destructing cell can affect nearby cells causing them to destruct as well. Looking at that light shows me weaknesses in the body and parts of the tail which could become projectiles in a worst-case overpressure scenario. But I don’t think it’s worse that any other 6-cell multi-cell light where there’s precious little or no solid barriers between the cells.

Were I a seller of such lights, I’d place a required reading button on the ad linked to a quick safety course about LiIon cells used in series- you’d have to click it to buy. At least then those who do not know could be educated- there’s no helping those who don’t want to learn- and nobody could say “I didn’t know” if things went sour for them.


That is ging to be hard with the Palight Boss1 because of the button.
But for the flashlight in the OP this might just work.
Nice, some1 should notify NASA they can cancel the contract with SpaceX and just buy a bunch of the lights in the OP (Oh wait, maybe the NSA could relay the message to them)