It was only a matter of time , not a Jeff hanko

oooow, nice lights.
There are a lot of interesting things on Ali. :money_mouth_face:

Anyone else got one of these yet?

Do I need a flat top or button top battery?

Might actually try one of these… competition helps control prices and the Hanko’s while nice cost way to much.

well i ended up getting one of the barrel flashlights form china

it is pretty nice as a budget flashlight

its the 14500 version, that has a barrel tube inside it, when you take the tube out, a 18350 fits inside , but doesnt connect to the spring, its just not long enough, another 10mm would of been perfect, maybeill make a 18350 convertor to 18450 or something

it got a few modes and secondary leds,
triple xlp hi or something, quite a warm tint
blue secondarys

its made very nicely, it came with 2 clips, a hanko clone clip made with heavy stainless
the pictures on the aliexpress dont really do it justice

its a heavy beast

driver ,im not fully sure what it is, but it has a few mode, im still working it all out

im really impressed with it

switch boot isnt great,but ill change it for something better

mech switch is ok