Jaxman flashlights

Sorry for a newb question, but what is the advantage of having 3 LEDs instead of one in this E2 light? Less heat?

Maybe Jaxman can release a BLF edition which actually harnesses the power of triple LEDs :smiling_imp:

LEDs are considerably more efficient at low power, so yeah, less heat, longer runtime or more light.

Nice light, looks like Carclo optics.

Carclo has a factory in CZ…
and there is mention of item 10507 in the optics order picture

Gonna send an email about it right after clicking “save” here :wink:

Edit, done.

Im interested in their pcb.
Carclo from CZ is fewer than those from the UK.

I think i’ll order one next paycheck. :slight_smile:

Could use some typical 18650-tube-triple improvements though:

Not very well centred and quite a bit shrouded by the bezel.
So the bezel needs a Dremel session and some sheet material inside the head will centre it.
The driver is apparently multi 7135 so we could stack a bunch of them. :slight_smile:
The XP-G2s will have to go too.

+1 !!!

Dang, I was going to order a M8 but now I might have to change that to an EL2


Sadly Jaxman just devalued all my S2 and S2+ triples.

We all need to email them and demand the High CRI Nichia version E2L Triple.

I have received my Nichia E2 a few weeks ago. Nice light but had to swap out the driver. Used a new Convoy 7135*8.

They have to step up their driver game.
Three modes is too basic and seriously lack a moonlight mode

Looks kinda like a Convoy S2 (fins, knurling) and S3 (integrated shelf, tail design, stainless bezel) had a lovechild with a beautiful mutation that prepped it for a triple setup (shelf having a center hole).

As others have mentioned, appears to be a standard Carclo 10507 (known and easily replaceable). Which also means a Noctigon triple would likely swap right in for those that want different LEDs without reflowing. I’d probably pick one up right now if it were offered in black. Grey? Meh, I’ll wait.

The E2L looks like a serious candidate for my next flashlight, the only thing, where do you buy it ?
My Chinese isnt top notch…

Does Aliexpress site not show up in English for you? It does for me…


Thanks Pete, i only found a bunch of Google pages filled with Chinese text :slight_smile:

The one and only reason I refuse to buy Jaxman lights is that their high CRI options are always 4000K or 5700K, i.e. too warm or too cool for me. If they offered 5000K, I’d’ve bought some months ago.

Never mind, I can still stick a 5000K 219B into a Convoy S2+ host. I also have a 5° TIR optic awaiting my next experiment :slight_smile:

Those who already ordered through their official site, does the shipping comes with tracking number? If there is, then I will order the E2L asap.


Just got shipping notification and there was no tracking number. Upon check-out I did not check if there was an option for tracking.

Just received a PM on aliexpress.

No black color available until they sell grey color stock (1k pcs)…