Klarus G35 Should I buy it?

There is a good deal currently on the Klarus G35 for $74. That’s a good price since it sells for over $100. I love bright long throwers and this one says it has a 1000 m throw range. Does anyone have experience with this light, if so, what do you think? Or should it get the Convoy L6 and dedome it and install a SMO reflector? Thanks.

Good if you need a thrower and dont mind the size/ weight.

What bothers me about it is the battery setup… it will first drain the two cells, and then move onto the third cell running at diminished output. I woukld prefer if all 3 cells were being depleted simultaneously.

For a dedicated thrower that’s not heavy, look at Nitecore P30.

Thanks Pete!

No problem.

Fyi, here is a link to the review, in case you haven’t stumbled upon it…