Klarus Marketing hits New Low*** Update, Klarus apologizes

W.O.W!! :person_facepalming: … Pitiful. :frowning:

That’s seriously low. But then - I wouldn’t expect anything other from marketing people anyway, so I’m neither surprised nor disappointed. A little amused.

Some questions:

  • Is the story even true?
  • Are the people on the picture the ones that were hurt?
  • What was the reason they did it? Maybe they didn’t understand? Or maybe they decided that any publicity is good publicity? Or maybe there was some other reason?

The man in the picture went out to check his neighbor’s property after reports of a burglar. He came across the burglars and was shot 8 times. He lasted for 5 days in the hospital before things took a turn for the worse and he died right before Thanksgiving. It’s in the news. The story was on CNN online yesterday. Here’s a link to the CNN news article

Given that Klarus issued a retraction I suspect the ad was an authentic Klarus facebook post. Extremely poor taste, but authentic.

The ad was definitely authentic. I did the screenshot you see in the OP from their FB page. Also screen shot the apology

i like my XT11 light vely much

klarus to the winner

Marketeers occasionally lost their mind.

Marketeers are king of the world, with peasants in the shops, and coolies in the warehouses.
Their motto is: don’t ask me what I can do for my customers, but tell me what they can do for me.
After all, there is one born every minute.

Just wow. I’ll never buy anything from this company again.

Hmmmmmm…… reckon that might work?? :wink:

Robert, can you please re-post that first image? I dont care if they apologized or not. It does not dismiss their actions in the least. After their disgusting advertisement, Im surprised that company actually still exists today. And now with their new declaration yesterday, they are like a mutating virus that simply refuses to go away. Lets refocus on educating others about this company for who and what they are. That image still belongs here more than ever.

