L50 (YINDING) found out to be 6000K 95CRI

I got two of these ‘High CRI Yinding 5050’ LEDs from @1stein - thank you for this.

tl;dr: it is defintely high CRI, over 90. R9 over 70. Very nice tint.

Here are my findings:

  • very high Ra and R9
  • it is definitely High CRI
  • very nice tint if cool white is preferred (over 6600 K measured)
  • very nice light quality in reflectors like the old ‘Yinding’ 5050 glass.
  • extremely nice tint, basically perfect on BBL

In general the spectrum is the same like from another LEDs in same CRI and CCT type, for example this LED has basically the same spectrum as the B35AM in 6500 K which I tested earlier.

Tbh, this LED is one of the best thrower LEDs ever released. Too bad that this LED is not available from a reliable reseller and no datasheet is available (as usual from Chinese manufacturers).

4 Thanks