Could I make a few little requests/suggestions for a future e-switch version?
I have 2 main EDC lights, both e-switch only, both using LD2 drivers. One is an XPL-HI triple (at 12A), The other is a 6V XHP70 (at 9A). Both of these lights work brilliantly (pun intended), and I appreciate the work you have put in to make such fantastic drivers.
However, there are a few main issues that I have found with the UI:
1. It (XHP70 at 9A) has, on two occasions, turned on by itself in my pocket. The first time, it was in low, so it just wasted battery life, no harm done. The second time, it was in turbo, and didn’t thermal throttle until it had already burned the inside of my coat pocket and roasted the VTC5s.
Of course this is always a risk for e-switch lights, but it would be very nice to have some form of electronic lock-out (maybe a certain number or timing of button presses).
2. Both lights use UI2 (mode step ramp). This UI is better than the other 2 for me, as the ‘hold to ramp through modes’ is my favorite mode change method, and the ‘hold from off = moonlight’ is essential for me to use any light as an EDC.
Unfortunately, the ramping interface has (for me at least) a very significant flaw: the ramp direction cannot be switched quickly, and a quick press followed by another press and hold is counted as a double click, which goes to moon or turbo.
I may not have worded that well, so I think an example I have everyday will be clearer:
I long press - turns on the light in moon.
I press and hold - light goes up to low, which I use for a few seconds.
I decide I need more light than low, so I press and hold - light goes down to moon, so;
I have to release and re-press and hold - light goes back up through low to medium.
If I try to do a quick press before it gets to moon (to change the direction), and then press and hold again, this is registered as a double-click, which puts it into turbo, which I then have to press and hold to get out of.
I would suggest removing the double-click feature, and making it so that a quick press followed by press and hold carries on ramping in the original direction. I.e; if I’ve just gone from low to medium, a quick press, release, and then press and hold should ramp up to turbo (for example).
3. I love your decision to set medium at 20% of the max current, as it corresponds to approximately 33% of the max LED output, which, to human perception, appears approximately 50% of the max brightness.
That mode spacing works very well, especially considering the battery usage efficiency of that method. It is honestly the best mode spacing ratio I have ever seen or used. However, the next mode down is not 20% x 20% = 4, but rather it is 2. I’ve noticed this as low appearing too large a jump down from medium. This also means that with only 3 regulated modes, that low is too far from moon (in my case low= 300lm, moon= 0.5lm).
I would suggest using that 20% ratio universally between 4 or 5 regulated modes, with moon and DD being optional settings like in LD-3.
i.e: moon-0.2–0.8–4–20–100%/DD
Those are my humble suggestions. I don’t expect you to use your time and energy to implement anything just because I asked; I am saying if I could rewrite any LD-2 UI code, those are the only changes I’d ever want to make (oh and maybe triple-fast-click for strobe or battery monitor or something).
If you do make any changes similar to the above for the next e-switch version, you can at least put me down for 2 .