LD-3: LD-2 on vitaminS (2-12Amps CC with configurable UI)

There is no need for that,since hardware part of driver is very similar to LD-2 (which HKJ did test).

Hi Neven,

what about your plans for LD-3 for electronic switch?

I use an LD-2 in a flashlight and I want to mod another flashlight with electronic switch.
If there is an LD-3 for electronic switch available soon, I will wait for it.


Hello, I am planning to make a flashlight with 4x XHP50.2. I thought I can use 2x 12amp LD-3 dirvers, each driver will power 2 LEDs with 6amps per emitter. I am going to use the same switch for both drivers.

The questions are:
-Is it too much for one LD-3 to power 2 XHP50 leds?
-Is it ok to use one switch to control two drivers?
-I read at the driver info post that using CC mode can cause the driver to overheat. Can someone please explain when overheating can occur? I dont was to use DD because I cant control what max amps are.

Thank you!

Is there somewhere I can see the full list of LED4Power LD series drivers? I find a random selection in stores I shop at, but would like to see the whole offering as they seem to be some of the more advanced drivers.

I could be very wrong, but AFAIK, the only drivers that are made by LED4Power are the LD-1, LD-2, and LD-3, as found here on BLF. Those other “LD-xx” drivers, I think, are not his creation.

Interesting, I had just assumed they were all the same maker based on the naming. My fault.


2x XHP50.2 would be too much for LD-3,because of generated heat (P=(Vbatt-Vled)*Iled). Also,when using 2 separate drivers, there is a good chance modes will go "out of sync" over time.

Is it possible that a future version could include code in firmware to keep modes in sync for “stacking” multiple drivers? Maybe a master/slave mode? Then again, wouldn’t the slave board you made for the LD-2 work for this (assuming code was updated to use it that way)?

EDIT: I mean the “bottom” board from your LD-2M driver.

Something like master/slave would be possible. LD-M2 bottom board was for mosfet(good cooling),but LD-M2 was still single-output driver.

I cant use 4 drivers, the cost and complexity will be too high. If I heatsink the drivers do you think it could be possible? Maybe you have a stronger driver that I can use?

Yes, I was thinking if the LD-3 was fully populated, adding the LD-M2 board would effectively double the output, right?

Would this driver be good set at 10 amps with four batteries in series driving 4 x XHP35 (12 Volt leds) in parallel?

@ Kourtinoksylo - currently I don't have stronger driver for 4x XHP50.2

@DavidEF - no,current would remain the same,but power dissipation capability would be greater

@MRsDNF - dissipation would be too high for stock driver.

Thanks led4power. I suppose heat sinks would not help either.

If the FET was taken off the driver PCB and properly heatsinked to the flashlight body it could dissipate lots of heat. I assume the current control would still work with the remote FET. Of course this remote FET setup would require a custom install for each light, but it might be still be a good solution for some.

Discontinued: replaced by LD-4:


Dang… So i should have waited…
O well…

Hope LD-x4 will be good for “2S” and more S soon.
Thanks for your work.


and 20mm

for bigger diameter there are adapter rings