LED test / review - Luminus SFT-12 F4 BC (≈ 6500 K, typ. 70 CRI)

Also, not to forget: these LEDs we are talking about (SFT-12, SFT-40 3000 K and so on) seems to be intended only for chinese domestic market, not for western companies. This in combination with political decisions not to deliver those products to the western market could be the reason why most of these companies are very quiet about these LEDS and not give any information about these (or went completely silent, like in my case already happened).

Speaking of, it looks like you jinxed it. Datasheet for SFT-40 WxH is here. Seems like the NDA might have finally expired.

Also a few “new” emitters like a second gen of SST-12 and SST-20, though the changes are unclear.

I was also wondering what the differences are with the 2nd gen emitters. From what I see on the new/old datasheets the new ones have up to 7% more output per drive current depending on the CCT. It’s nice but probably a minor change like the 519A and 519A V1, nothing revolutionary. It’s also unclear whether the increased efficacy comes at the cost of even greener tint.

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The datasheet does not clearly state this, but the 2nd gen variant has a 7500 K color binning. I could imagine this is where the output increase could mainly coming from.
The color groups does not seem to be different from those of 1st gen SST-20.

Simon just put it up for sale:

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Even with lot no.!

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Still no datasheet though… I asked Simon over in the Convoy thread if he maybe has one.

Simon Just shared this in his thread:

This means the LEDs he’s selling are Gen1 emitters, which are one flux bin lower than the Gen2 bins. 5000K would be nice once it launches, hopefully in a F4 bin too, just like 5700K. Since all available order numbers are still listed as pre-production in the specsheet, might take a while until we see final samples and more CCTs.

These preliminary products actually come with datasheets, but you may have to ask the dealer for them.

Anyone know where I can pick up some SFT-12 or SFT-25s in warm white 2700k-3500k?

I haven’t seen any SFT-12 or SFT-25 below 5000K yet.
But KaiDomain has more options than most:


Yep, don’t think these have been released yet, and not sure if they ever will. Slicing a SST12 in high CRI is the closest I could think of.

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Can I ask which CCT you prefer for XPP?

I have heard good things about 3000k Ra90 XP-P but I have not gotten to try one myself.

Though now with SFT-25R 5000k the XP-P is somewhat made obsolete for NW throwers

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I have several of those purchased a couple years ago from Digikey. The tint is great, but they are otherwise a bit underwhelming. I suspect they are nowhere near the output and throw of SFT25 5000K.

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