Light Bulb CRI_Grades

CRI_Grade has been massively helpful for me to sort light sources by their most elusive metric. But it’s not a tell-all. I don’t think that’s possible with everyone having different tint preferences.

For easy reading on my part, I did create a separate metric for tint called “MacAdams” (as seen in the spreadsheet) that I didn’t discuss online.
We already know 1 MacAdams ellipse defines the smallest noticeable tint change, so I just set that equal to one. So in the 4000K area of the CIE chart, that is a Duv of 0.0014. So for a light with a Duv of –0.0014, the MacAdams factor is –1.0.
For my preferences, any light between +1.0 and –1.0 will impress me. But some people will can’t stand positive, so they will want to look for 0.0 to –2.0??
It’s almost unnecessary, except I tend to forget how much Duv = 1 MacAdams ellipse. So I find it useful.