Light for cycling

bike paths never go anywhere!

lumintop is 1 cell…

sorry i am used to 4


Oncoming bikers with blinding lights I treat mutually with my dual Nitefighter BT40S setup to let them feel the same.
Works miracles :slight_smile:

I rode this morning with an F01 mini stuck to my handlebars. Pretty good spread. I ride on the trails at night and like a wide beam pattern.

I got the B01 just to be nice to cars on the roads. Otherwise, I’m going to be using Convoy S11 as bright as it will run & it still might not be enough for the trails.

Noice! Bookmarked for later…

Surprised me about the B01. Nice warmish 4000K-4500K on both of mine.

I’m pretty sure you can run the B01 with a 4 cell usb powerbank connected to it. :wink:

Yet another vote for the B01. At least for road and milder trails, it works very well. Anything rougher and it could use a circular beam assistant.

I ride a ton at night. I use a B01 or S2+ SST40

I’ve tried every S2+ LED option available, the LH351D S2+ didn’t have quite enough throw for higher speed descents

Weird, mine is CW.

I am using ASTROLUX EC01 SST40 5000K. 21700 battery can last me for over 3hrs comfortably on 400~600lm level continuously. No more low battery anxiety issue ever since. I pasted a small piece of electric tape to reduce the about of glare for on-coming traffic.

My family is into cycling or MTB, we use these lights and they have been great so far

on our MTBs

The Lumintop B01 I purchased two weeks ago on AmazonUS has a warm tint.

Both of mine came from Amazon, albeit from 2 different vendors.

You get yours straight from LT?

Looks like a copy of the X-tiger is on sale on Amazon for $9. Use code 55MSB6W4

Nope, Amazon. Jan 2020

Oh, wellp, that was a while ago, so maybe they only had CW back then ’til they wised up and went warmer.

I purchased mine straight from Lumintop’s Ali store back in 2019, and it is definitely CW. The warmer tints may have started being sold in later lots.