LiitoKala Lii-S1, successor of the revered Lii-100

Honestly I can’t see the purpose of it

Lazy people or people who dont know much about the hobby

Indeed. I bought mine for the sliders and case.

Still thinking about exactly what I’m going to do with it.

4BLF code works, dropping the price to $9.09. :innocent:

These will be great chargers to give away with a light you are Gifting to someone.

Will have to wait until the price drops.
Which could happen tomorrow :slight_smile:

I have news:

Congratulations! Charger displays actual flowing current.

Cheers :-)

We need proof. Who’s going to be the guinea pig? :slight_smile:

Where did you got that new old stock right now?

Note: displayed current value is function of voltage drop and sense resistor values, which are implemented on the microcontroller unit's software. Bear this in mind for sense resistor mods to change current output, as the displayed current values won't change unless the sense resistor variable value is poked in the software.

If, for example, you 4x the sense resistor value (nice for small cells like 10440s) you need to divide by 4 the displayed current value. No big deal though.

Cheers :-D

Gearbest still sells them…

Often for $0.99 and free shipping with coupon.

Pete7874, I've bought more Lii-100s from GearBest than I personally need (like a lot of you), but only my first unit looked ”vintage”. The ziplock plastic bag was even removed from the package in the last unit I received (still another one :-D to go).

Cheers ^:)

P.S.: $0.99? LoL! I've got a couple $1.99 sales maybe. Now that you say this, could it be that these $0.99 units are new old stock they are getting rid of?

How can you tell between old and new? Mine came in cardboard box, exactly the same black/yellow style as Nitecore.

That’s what I’ve been asking. I don’t understand what he means by ‘vintage’.

Mmmkay hIKARInoob, does it looks like the one in HKJ's review? If so, it's an old revision.


But if that’s “old revision”, then what does the “new revision” look like?

Or are you just saying that Lii-S1 is the new revision?

Mine look like this:
The 4 percentages on the left is like the shape of a battery. Mine were purchased November 15th last year. $0.99 was related to singles day I guess.

Oh, I see it now. Thanks for pointing that out.

In that case, mine are not vintage. :cry:

100 on the left, and 100B on the right.

Internals of my early Lii-100 unit.

Cheers :-)

Just grabbed the Lii-S1 from Banggood for $6.99 on their flash sale today.

Me too. Thank you

Snagged a couple from Banggood- more available. Thanks Klrman.