Long thrower for <$60

I reflow all my own.

I used a maxtoch 26mm DTP.

Are there any nice throwers out there in this price range that use some kind of optic? I dislike the spill in throwers, it is blinding when it hits nearby branches.
Led Lenser style optics would be preferred, but any aspheric will do if it works good. Or does any chinese shop sell big LL style optics, so I could install it to some other light?

We use the Maxtochs for both field (bunnies) and tree shooting (possums). When up close with trees (5-35 meters) we use them on medium or low power - still excellent light output but no blinding at all.

The u2 1d dedomed is pretty sick on the y3… I run that same config here. The stock driver can be modded for real cheap and does kick down the voltage with 3 cells. I put it up on the light poles a couple blocks away and I’m sure there’s some guy with beer cans all over his porch going wtf

Uniquefire UF-T20 (about $23) has been a long time favorite, the new Jaz Z1 is also making a big stir right now (personally I think it’s priced quite high for what it is, tho the lens is definitely nice)