Looking for a 18650 flashlight

I guess I’m been lucky with Sofirn light. Been happy with the tint.

When I spoke with the rep at Nitecore. He replied that, He watch the boss take a light with ugly green rings around the hotspot/outer ring. Did some cleaning up from the manufacturing process. Then put everything back together. Now the ugly green rings are gone. Nitecore can’t take apart every light with the ugly green rings.

The Thrunite lights I have, has the greenish tint. It’s nothing major but noticeable.

Does slicing/de-doming the dome off the LED improves the beam tint? I read it’s popular.

Sometimes, can make it worse too. Depends on lots of things really, but largely on the type and tint of LED you start with.

If you start off with ugly tint. Will I still have ugly tint after de-doming?

Is it possible to change the tint this much after de-doming the LED?

Slicing and dedoming are usually done to increase throw, notsomuch for changes in tint or temp but both of those are affected by the lost of the dispersion dome. Generally some intensity is gained while overall lumens will take a loss (in a reflector anyway). There are some great old threads here if you search those terms…beam shots as well as measurements (and techniques for getting the job done nicely…).

Thanks for the suggestions everyone!


Thanks for the informational replies, Appreciate it!